Hi @henriquemps , and sorry for the late reply.
You can easily reply in your own language. In Connect, at the end of each comment there is a small globe, which is used to activate automatic translation into our language.
In addition, being Italian, I will understand most of what you write.
Before going into the details of your questions, I think I need to clarify a few things. Every platform that hosts Users Generated Contents has rules. Rules that we confirm we have read, and accept, in order to register. Unfortunately, it often happens that those who register have not “really” read the rules, and consequently violate them without being aware of it.
In these almost 8 years as a Moderator, I have read the phrase “I have not violated any rules” countless times. Many of those who wrote it are no longer Local Guides. As a moderator, my goal is not to have Local Guides removed. On the contrary, my goal in pointing out errors is to make people understand the rules, so that those who have made mistakes can correct them. In this way, they will contribute better to Google Maps, and we will all benefit from this.
In Google Maps Eiffel Tower is an historical landmark, located in the city of Paris, France
Of course, since it is a very popular place, many users will post photos there, and they have every right to do so. This is very different from a single user posting many similar photos.
According to https://support.google.com/contributionpolicy/answer/7400114: “We do not allow the posting of repetitive content on Google Maps because it dilutes useful information Google Maps provides its users.”
In this conversation there are more Local Guides, and I took examples from the contributions of both, to explain the potential violations. In doing so I imagined that each one was able to recognize their own content. I confirm that I did not find images taken from the web in your images.
In fact in the title I wrote: Duplicate Across Locations
This is one of the most common mistakes, clearly prohibited by the Local Guides community policy: “Users who duplicate photos across locations … will be removed from the program”
There have been extreme violations, such as the door of a building that houses 20 different businesses posted 20 times, or the entrance of a Mall posted in all the stores in the Mall. This is such a common mistake, and one that leads to suspension from the program, that I wanted to dedicate a topic to it: Local Guides Tips: How to add “Located Within” in Google Maps
No, unfortunately this is not correct. The AI searches for prohibited content “inside” the image, but does not check if an image has been posted multiple times. I myself have had images of statues, taken inside a museum, blocked for “nudity”. I have raised this issue with Google since 2017, but unfortunately it has not been resolved yet.
As you can see I have already shown you several of them, and I have provided you with links to the pages where they are explained.
“A couple of months” = around 2 months
When a review is edited the date shown is that of the last edit. Since the appeal also has a date, everything that appears with a date more recent than the appeal will not be considered in the check.
These are the latest media you have uploaded. As you can see a video has been uploaded twice. I know that this often happens because Maps has suggested it to us, but in the end we are the ones who accept the suggestion. My advice is to often check what has been uploaded
Sorry for the long reply, but I hope this helped clear your doubts.