Maximize Your Map Contributions: 15 Points in Minutes

Dear LG Fam,

We all know the dedication and valuable time we put into our Map contributions, especially when the highest point reward for a single contribution is 15. We search for the perfect photo opportunities, write detailed reviews, add roads, and do everything we can to improve the map.

I’d like to share a quick tip that I use to earn points, and it’s something that isn’t always top-of-mind for Local Guides. The “Updates” section in Google Maps is often underutilized by both business owners and Local Guides. Think about it: most businesses regularly update their billboards with upcoming offers, events and current promotions.

Here’s the tip:

  • Step 1: Snap a photo of the billboard or promotional material. :camera_flash:
  • Step 2: Write a quick and simple caption describing the offer or event. :memo:
  • Step 3: Upload the photo and caption to the business’s “Updates” section. :arrow_up:

That’s it! You can easily earn 15 points. This is a great way to quickly scale up your points. :rocket:

Moreover you can write only one “review” but you can do any number of “updates”

Let me know in the comments if you find this tip helpful! :point_down:

#LocalGuides #GoogleMaps #TipsAndTricks #MapContributions #PointsBoost


Thanks for sharing this amazing tip @MathanVibranarayan
I know a few shops near my residence who have new offer billboards coming up every week.
These are Pizza Hut, Star Bazar, Mr. DIY and 7-Eleven.
I am going to update them every time using these feature and earn points :+1:


That’s a very useful tip @MathanVibranarayan Thank you for sharing


Very nice tips Thanks to @MathanVibranarayan for providing very nice tips on local guides.


@MathanVibranarayan تحياتي لك ارجو ان تكون سعيد.عمل رائع


Great. I will utilize this. Thanks @MathanVibranarayan


@MathanVibranarayan Nice work!


I do this sometimes @MathanVibranarayan


I know @MathanVibranarayan Some people like to write captions immediately after uploading photos so that they can connect with their friends and followers immediately and know their reactions. Some people like to write captions in their free time so that they can choose the best caption for their photo and impress their friends and followers.
I think :speech_balloon: If you write caption in free time, then you will have more time to think and write, due to which you will be able to think more and write a better caption.


Thank you for sharing this amazing tips. :handshake: @MathanVibranarayan


Thank you @MathanVibranarayan for sharing this information . If you conduct photo walks and store-front photo walks of @TusharSuradkar , you can earn this 10+5 points if the business have new name boards or new accessibility. If new added accessibility is updates to the business, most probably the photo will be in the first 10 photos in the buisness profile, more views right!:+1:


Superb highlight @Rahul001

A photo walk with Storefront photos and an ‘Update’ is a points bonanza.
I will add ‘updates’ to the upcoming Storefront challenge :handshake:


@Rahul001 @TusharSuradkar I hope we all have an inclusive growth story :heart_eyes: :raised_hands:t2:

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That’s good information @MathanVibranarayan …most of the local guides don’t know that they could earn 10 points additionally for adding caption to the photos

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How many photos can we post in the updated photos section? Does Google guidelines have regulations on the maximum number of photos allowed to be posted at one location?

Can I post many times at different times when i comeback that places again ?


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As of I know, there’s no restrictions. Maybe you can restrict to 3 per visit. So that your profile doesn’t look spamming

This is a very useful tips. Thank you for sharing @MathanVibranarayan

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@ShreyaMusings I’m happy that you like it mam

Thank you for sharing @MathanVibranarayan .
I have been enjoying the caption for as long as it was made public last year and it is a big point booster.

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