Meet а Meet-up Champion: Cecilia Ratto

@Cecilita joined Connect six years ago, and in 2020, she became one of our first Guiding Stars. She’s an outgoing, passionate Local Guide who cares about nature and loves museums, but as a true Community Builder, she’s happiest when she gets to share her passions with fellow Local Guides through meet-ups. Read on to learn more about her experience, best tips, and favorite moments.

What do you love about meet-ups?

I love everything about meet-ups! I usually work from home and spend a lot of time sitting down, so they help me stay active and give me a great excuse to get out of the house. And the best part… Thanks to meet-ups, I get to explore lots of places in my city of Buenos Aires that I’ve never visited before. I’ve been to tons of museums, tourist spots, parks, and a lot of super cool places.

What was your first experience with meet-ups?

In March 2019, I hosted my first meet-up. It was not a success because no Local Guide attended, but I was with my nine-year-old son, and we spent a great day together.

I was determined to meet other Local Guides in Buenos Aires, though, so I decided to attend a meet-up organized by someone else. Soon after that, I went to one of @Jesi ’s meet-ups, and I met her and Adrián ( @AdroGran ). We became friends, and since then, we have organized lots of virtual and face-to-face meet-ups together, and many Local Guides have joined us over time.

Do you have a favorite meet-up theme?

I have two types of favorite meet-ups.

First, visiting museums. If they are historical or inside old houses, even better! I love to imagine what life was like in the past, without modern technology, and think about how much things have changed.

I also love to organize “Local Guides Clean The World” meet-ups, where we raise awareness about the environment. I think these events help us understand what we are doing to our planet and that we must act now to reverse the impact.

What goes into planning a meet-up? How do you choose the topic, venue, and activities?

The first thing I think about is “What place would I like to visit?” and “What activities would I like to do?.” My ideas often come from some publication in a newspaper or online or other meet-ups organized on Connect.

Once I have the topic, I think about the activities. Local Guides in Buenos Aires really like to get together, so our meet-ups usually include more than one thing to see or do, and they always start or end somewhere where we can eat!

When planning, I check if the places to visit are open on the day and time of my event, if they have any restrictions, or if they are suitable for all attendees: are they accessible? Do they offer different types of food so everyone can have something and enjoy the day?

What are the three most important things you’ve learned from organizing meet-ups?

  1. Always choose an activity or topic you are going to enjoy. That way, you will enjoy the organization and the experience and have a lot of fun.

  2. It’s good to tell Local Guides you’re close with about your meet-up in advance so they can join you and you’ll know you won’t be alone.

  3. Always be yourself and be willing to connect. Meet-ups have given me the opportunity to meet many great people that I now consider good friends.

What one piece of advice would you give to someone who’s about to host their first meet-up?

Dare and do it. Even if nobody comes, or even if you have lots of attendees, take the opportunity to spend some fun time doing what we Local Guides do best: take lots of photos and help others by sharing your experience on Google Maps.

Do you have a favorite meet-up you’ve (co-)hosted or attended?

The best meet-up I’ve co-hosted was the last Argentina Local Guides Community birthday with Jesi and Adrian. We “developed” an escape game, and it was very, very funny.

It’s hard to choose the best meet-up I’ve attended, but I think the most remarkable was the 36 Walk by Paul Pavlinovich ( @PaulPavlinovich ) before Connect Live 2019. I met amazing Local Guides from all over the world. The hugs and the happiness when we met each other for the first time in person are some of the best things I’ve ever experienced.

Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself?

I love to help others. Doing that makes me feel good, so I participate as a volunteer in different programs, like Google Crowdsource and Google Product Experts. A year ago, I joined a group called Embajadores Verdes (Green Ambassadors). Now I invite them to my “Clean The World” meet-ups.

Have you attended any of Cecilia’s meet-ups? Do you have a question for her? Let us know in the comments below.

Want to see who else is a Meet-up Champion? Read our previous post here.


Thanks @DeniGu for sharing this post about Ceci, she indeed is a meet-up champion Ihave had a great time in her virtual meet-ups, one of her meet-ups appeared on the Guiding Stars 2021 live on YouTube

Muchas felicidades @Cecilita !!! Recuerdo perfecto el meet-up del cumpleaños de la comunidad de Argentina, fue bastante divertido , espero algún día ir a Buenos Aires para estar en un meet-up en persona :grinning:


Congratulations @Cecilita for this beautiful recognition :grinning: :grinning:

Thank you @DeniGu for the updates :blush:

Happy Guiding :+1: :grinning:


Congratulations @Cecilita . Just one question, since thatfirst meet-up on March 2019, did your then nine-year-old son join up and become a Local Guide :wink:


Thank you @DeniGu

This is indeed another achievement and great milestone. Another credible local guide being recognised.

Congratulations @Cecilita we are as excited as you are on this “New title” and “Trophy” we wish you more wins and more meet-ups. LOL. I love meet-ups too so I can relate to this happiness.



Fantastic! Congratulations dear @Cecilita !

Well deserved nomination!

Wishing you all the best!

Thank you @DeniGu for this post!


Muchas felicidades @Cecilita !

Este es un reconocimiento totalmente merecido, y los consejos que son partes son de mucha utilidad para los local guides que quieren organizar su primer meetup.
No puedo dejar de mencionar que el primer meetup en el que participé (virtualmente) fue uno que tu organizaste y desde ese momento me enganché con la comunidad de LocalGuides de Latinoamérica.

Gracias por todo el esfuerzo que pones en todas tus actividades.


Hey, @DeniGu , this is an absolutely wonderful post about an absolutely wonderful Local Guide.

I’ve met her for the first time on 2019, obviously in a meet-up, together with @Jesi , @Stella2 and @AlexandreCampbell

A few days later she wasn’t unfortunately able to join the international Local Guides Clean The World meet-up hosted by @KarenVChin , but she was with us in spirit, and a few months later she hosted the first Local Guides Clean The World meet-up in Argentina . I still remember the preparation, the chat we had, everything was absolutely amazing.

And I am very jealous about the Buenos Aires community, and their capacity to meet, in person or virtually.

Congratulations @Cecilita for being featured here, you definitely deserve it :+1:


Many congratulations to our Amiga @Cecilita !!! Truly deserving and a great ambassador of Local Guides in Argentina.

Thank you @DeniGu for sharing such a delightful post :heart_eyes: :pray:


Siiii, @LaloPadilla !! Sería muy bueno tenerte por acá, conocerte y que puedas participar de muchos paseos con la comunidad de Argentina Local Guides!!

Que así sea!!


Thank you @DeniGu for this fully deserved champion recognition, congratulations @Cecilita :tada: :trophy: :star2: :man_dancing: !!!

What a best expression of your passion being a Local Guide and connecting each other, fun is always assured when you are in and you have a great team over there: rock #TeamArgentina :argentina: !


This is awesome @DeniGu :star_struck:

My most memorable meet ups are also @PaulPavlinovich ’s “36 Walks” @Cecilita Congratulations on this amazing feature


Thank you so much @DeniGu !!

I love being a Local Guide and I also love meet-ups!

I will be grateful to all of you for ever! :hearts:


¡Muchas gracias @LaloPadilla !

¡Ojalá puedas venir algún día así salimos a pasear y vamos a conocer juntos los hermosos lugares que tiene Buenos Aires!



Thank you so much @Pratik_89 ! :wink:

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Hi @AdamGT !

He is still not a Local Guide as he is still too young, but he always want to come with me to the meet-ups and get angry when I do not take him with me.

Almoat all the Local Guides from Buenos Aires know him and all this participation make him love museums as much as his mother does. :sweat_smile:

I’m sure that when he reach the age needed he will become a great Local Guide. :wink:

Thank you so much!


Thank you so much @SholaIB for your kind words!!!

I’m so happy you enjoy the meet-ups as much as I do! Which meet-ups do you like the most?

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Hello @Cecilita

I like food crawls. Lol. I have organised a number of food crawls already. The last one been a few days ago. The activities I enjoy on the maps most is Edit so ,I like map edit meet-up as well

Thank you for replying and happy guiding and moderating.



Hi, @DeniGu l love to read this about @Cecilita ! I am very happy that I met her at Connect live 2019 ,we came close and feel a very deep friendship.

Congratulations @Cecilita you work hard, you have passion, and deserve it and much more!

Hope to meet you again!


Waaa, thanks for sharing the Guiding Stars 2021 video, @LaloPadilla ! It was wonderful to relive the reveal and see again @Cecilita ‘s and the other Buenos Aires Local Guides’ smiles. :heart_eyes:

@ErmesT It’ so fun when you share “behind the scenes” details. :grin: