Meet а Meet-up Champion: Devi Dimitra

Local Guide and Helpful Hero Devi Dimitra ( @Ddimitra ) lives in Jakarta, Indonesia, and loves to host photo walks. She’s always on the lookout for something fun to do with her fellow Local Guides, such as going to the zoo, savoring street food at the local market, and more.

Read on to learn more about Devi’s inspiring experience as a meet-up host.

What was your first experience with meet-ups?

My first experience was in 2018 when I met the Tangerang Local Guides. I had to drive 30 km, but it was worth it. They were nice and accepted me as a new member. They also suggested I join the Jakarta Local Guides meet-ups.

Do you have a favorite meet-up theme? Why is it your favorite?

My favorite theme is photo walks. I love walking tours, and while we visit and learn about different heritage places, we can go on a “hunt” for the best photos, videos, and 360 images.

Photo walks are easier to organize compared to other meet-ups; you don’t have to reserve or book places and you can use any tools to capture the photos.

My city Jakarta has a lot of historical places and cool spots for photography. So I look for unique places to organize my meet-ups.

Tell us about a favorite meet-up that you hosted.

I have many favorite meet-ups. Here are three of them; I hope you like them too.

My first favorite meet-up was a scavenger hunt for Google Maps’ birthday in 2020. It was two months before the COVID-19 pandemic started, so we were able to gather and have a party. I had many happy and fun moments with the Jakarta Local Guides.

My second favorite meet-up was a special virtual event during the pandemic. I collaborated with India Local Guides to organize it, and 75 Local Guides from all around the world attended.

Finally, my third favorite meet-up was a charity event. It was very touching; I was happy to learn that my Local Guide friends from Jakarta and Indonesia supported me by donating their money to buy food for orphaned children. This was also during the pandemic, and it was [one of the reasons] I became a Guiding Star in 2020.

What are the three most important things you’ve learned from organizing meet-ups?

  1. When you want to organize a meet-up, make sure that you already know some Local Guides in your city or country. This is a big community, so getting to know and being kind to other Local Guides is crucial. Once you make friends, people will start coming to your meet-ups.

  2. Look for unique experiences and places in your city to host your meet-up. It doesn’t need to be a heritage place; you can also explore skyscrapers or the suburbs, or simply have a picnic and a knowledge sharing session.

  3. Be helpful and kind as a host. I always bring snacks, drinks, or little gifts. This makes the meet-up memorable for your attendees.

What one piece of advice would you give to someone who’s about to host their first meet-up?

Get to know other Local Guides near your place first. Even if one person joins you, it’s a great achievement. You gain new buddies!

Have you attended any of Devi’s meet-ups? Do you have a question for her? Tell us in the comments below.

Want to see who else is a Meet-up Champion? Read our previous post here.


Congratulations @Ddimitra for such a wonderful title.

I know Devi as one of the passionate and so helpful local guide for whole community , and her meet-up always gives some new learning about the program.

So happy for you Devi :slightly_smiling_face: :pray:


Selamat ya Mom @Ddimitra :tada: :tada: Memang layak menjadi Meet-up Champion karena semangat dan kreatifitas Mom dalam membuat meet-up.

Seneng tahun lalu bisa collab bareng Mom Devi buat 2 meet-up dalam 1 hari.

Semangat terus untuk berkontribusi dan ditunggu meet-up selanjutnya :blush:


Congratulations :confetti_ball: @Ddimitra

Hi @MashaPS Thank you so much for introducing us to another Meet-up Champion :trophy:


OMG! What a well deserved title for you @Ddimitra . Many Congratulations to you Mbak Devi. You are one of the cheerful lady in meetups I ever know, and indeed the amount of time you invest in meetups, is absolutely on another level. Kudos and keep guilding 360 mum. Cheers :clinking_glasses: to the title, and thank you @MashaPS for the feature post.



** @MashaPS Thank for sharing above our dear@ @Ddimitra **

Devi many Congratulations :bouquet: happy for you…

such a perfect title for you … Meet up champion :trophy:


Hey @Ddimitra

That’s a phenomenal task :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: Organising such meet-ups and getting them done is truly a huge collaborative task. I have never got a chance to attend your meet-up but I think we have met virtually in someone’s meetup though, when you were showing us some lovely DIY art-pieces. Thanks for sharing such lovely information with us @MashaPS Lots of love and more power to you dear.


Congratulations @Ddimitra for your extra ordinary achievement. Keep contributing and have a good day. Thanks @MashaPS for sharing with us.


Since I have participated in many virtual meet ups and also a few physical meet-ups, I can surely say that her presence make the meet up very LIVE…

As rightly mentioned by our @Shrut19 , the title of this post is extremely apt for her…

A great friend who can clear all worries in a single SMILE…

Hello, dear LG friend @Ddimitra , you are also a great travel companion - we together travelled more than 1,000 kms in South India alone.

You were an awesome guest at our home - we were worried whether you will like our food… you not only enjoyed but also celebrated Onam Sadya with us - hope you enjoyed it.

You are also an excellent explorer who takes pain to capture all possible FRAMES, including in 360 photos.

I wish you a great success as a Reputed Local Guide & eagerly waiting to receive you in your next India Trip.

Best wishes…

:pray: :handshake:


Congratulations @Ddimitra


Congratulations @Ddimitra on the recognition :bouquet:


Tebrikler @Ddimitra umarım daha birçok güzel etkinlik ve buluşmada yer alırsın :blush: :ok_hand:t2:


What a well deserved recognition, @Ddimitra . Congratulations! I hope I can join in one of your future meetups in person. Insha’Allah.

Thank you @MashaPS for sharing this wonderful news!

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Hello @MashaPS

It seems quite a while we had some nice local guides being highlighted here. Thank you for sharing this outstanding lady with us.

Congratulations @Ddimitra we wish you more wins.

Happy guiding


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Selamatttt @Ddimitra Lebih dari layak buat mom yang satu ini, getol meet-up sama udah sering kali sharing printilan lucu alal ala local guides.Tercetar memang dan tidak di ragukan lagi.

Selamat, ikut bangga!


@Ddimitra felicitaciones :tada: :tada: desde Argentina celebramos esta mención :+1: :+1:

Congratulations dear @Ddimitra Great job

Wih seru bangat nih

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Congratulation Mom @Ddimitra , sangat kreatif dan inspiratif. Semoga suatu saat bisa bertemu dan ikut meet-up secara langsung bersama local guide keren lainnya ka @Velvel , Mr @BudiFXW dan lainnya.


hi @MashaPS

Thank You so much for write this wonderful post. I am so happy become Meet Up Champion.