Meet а Meet-up Champion: Lalo

We’re excited to introduce our new Meet-up Champion, @LaloPadilla ! Lalo is a Community Builder and a Helpful Hero, and his example shines through the meet-ups he hosts. They’re a mix of celebration, culture, photography, and much more.

Lalo lives in Metepec, Mexico, but is always ready to travel to another place for a Local Guides meet-up. As a self-described introverted person, he finds these events to be a great way to discover new spots and get to know people he’s met on Connect. “It is always interesting when you meet someone in real life for the first time,” Lalo shares.

So, if you have ever wondered if you should try hosting or attending a meet-up, read on for some inspiration from Lalo’s experience.

What was your first experience with meet-ups?

It was the Global Virtual Meet-up in 2020 during the pandemic, co-hosted by @marcorp and @Jesi . It was really fun and a different experience from just chatting in the comment section on Connect. I remember it was someone’s birthday, and we sang happy birthday. I believe we did a very good job considering the audio delay everyone was having, haha.

You host a wide variety of meet-ups that focus on culture, photography, and exploring new things in your area. Do you have a favorite meet-up theme or an activity that you always include?

I would say photography, but lately, my meet-ups have been a mix of all of those themes unintentionally. When we visit a place, we check the accessibility features (or the lack of them), and sometimes the meet-up includes going to eat, so while we are waiting for our order, we open Maps to add photos or edit information.

One of my favorite moments during meet-ups is when someone asks about Maps or the program, and everyone answers with a different point of view. With every meet-up, I see that Local Guides have acquired more experience and knowledge on some topics. Maybe a Q&A could be a great topic for a future meet-up.

How do you plan and prepare for your meet-ups? How do you promote your meet-ups?

When I decide to visit a certain place or celebrate a special date for a meet-up, I like to do my own research. My go-to sources are Maps reviews, online videos, and even Street View.

I write the necessary information about the meet-up in a post on Connect. I add a Google Form so I can easily send an invite to everyone who fills it and sometimes create a Telegram group chat for updates. It has been helpful to tell people our location if they join after the meet-up has begun.

When the planning is done, I promote my meet-ups on social media from my personal account and the “@localguidesmexico” account or in group chats of Local Guides in Mexico or LATAM. In my experience, two weeks before the meet-up is the best time to submit a meet-up on Connect, so people can add it to their weekend plans.

What are the three most important things you’ve learned from organizing meet-ups that you think any host should know?

  1. Keep it simple: I have learned that it is better to not overcomplicate it. This is a valuable tip for Local Guides who are willing to host their first meet-up. Sometimes a simple walk visiting one or two places is the best plan. You can even ask your attendees for suggestions; as Local Guides, we are great at suggesting places that are worth it!
  2. Be flexible: Things are not going to be as you planned, so either you have to improvise or have a plan B.
  3. The show must go on: Don’t worry if no one shows up to your meet-up; it is something normal. Just enjoy your own company and start your meet-up as you planned! You will have to multitask, though, acting as a host and an attendee at the same time, hahaha.

Caption: A GIF made with a drone that shows a group of Local Guides waving in a park and zooms out to show a part of the Mexico City skyline and the #TeamTacos logo superimposed. (Local Guide @Lalo Padilla)

Which are your favorite meet-ups that you have hosted and attended so far?

Pueblos Mágicos de México was a really special TeamTacos meet-up because we prepared a presentation using Google Earth and so many people joined the video call. We showed some Magical Towns; these are towns that have preserved their culture and history and are good tourist places.

Photo walk “Día de Reyes” is certainly one of the best meet-ups that I have attended. It was hosted by @Bere_Marichi in 2023, and while we walked down one long pedestrian street, @LightRich shared a lot of important facts about the buildings. At the end, Bere gave us small “Rosca de Reyes” cakes and I won a gift!

My favorite virtual meet-up was Community Live 2020, an amazing two-day event organized by Connect Moderators and especially @AdrianLunsong . There were a lot of great moments, and I learned a lot. We even had a breakout session in Spanish with a lot of Local Guides from LATAM and Spain. I’m going to count the whole event as one meet-up, I hope it’s not cheating!

Have you attended any of Lalo’s meet-ups? Do you have a question for him? Tell us in the comments below.

Want to see who else is a Meet-up Champion? Read our previous post here.



Schöne Vorstellung von @LaloPadilla :+1:


That’s fantastic knowing you @LaloPadilla as a community builder and meet-up champion. Hearty congratulations :clap: :tada: on getting featured.

Thanks @MoniDi for adding yet another gem :gem: to the list of meet-up champions :trophy:


@MoniDi que maravilloso post! Y una gran persona @LaloPadilla como referente de México :+1: . Una gran mención para una gran persona. Sus post como sus redes son magníficas.


Congratulations :tada: @LaloPadilla on the recognition.

Your work in the area of hosting and promoting meetups is inspiring and praiseworthy :+1:


Congratulations, @LaloPadilla ! :+1:

Thanks for sharing with us, @MoniDi .



Congrats Modretor @LaloPadilla one more champion badge on your profile & bag :smile: :handshake:

& thanks for sharing with us & yes right said G Modretor they’re mix of celebration @MoniDi :sparkles:


Congratulations @LaloPadilla this is great news. We appreciate your activities and examples as a local guide and a moderator.

Thank you @MoniDi

Happy guiding



Congratulations @LaloPadilla :v: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: . :trophy:


Thanks @MoniDi for this post!

Felicitaciones @LaloPadilla recuerdo muy bien ésos meet-ups virtuales durante la pandemia, estuve en todos los que hicieron vos y el #teamtacos, el de los Pueblos Mágicos uno de los más lindos.



Thanks for the post @MoniDi ! :grinning: This makes me want to improve my meet-ups and help more Local Guides to host their first meet-up

Thanks a lot for your comments! @Annaelisa @Kumaarsantosh @TusharSuradkar @AjitThite @ShailendraOjha @SholaIB @RaviSharma111

¡Muchas gracias @Maximilianozalazar @SilvyC ! Siempre es bueno verlos en los meet-ups virtuales, la hemos pasado increíble en todos organizados por ustedes o por nosotros :raised_hands:


Congratulations! :tada: @LaloPadilla , your outstanding dedication to hosting and promoting meetups is truly inspiring and deserving of recognition.



You are an amazing Local Guide, so creative and always ready to help anyone who makes contact with you. No wonder this recognition of your energy and interest in the local guides community. Totally well deserved!!

Your most recent achievement: a successful meeting that combined in-person and virtual modalities where we were all able to integrate and have a lot of fun!!

Thanks for all @LaloPadilla !


Lalo is an excellent local guide who is very knowledgeable about different topics. I first met him virtually in 2020 when I participated in several virtual meetups. He’s part a group of very enthusiastic local guides in and around Mexico City.

Congrats @LaloPadilla .


I had the opportunity to participate in a meet-up with @LaloPadilla a few months ago. On that occasion, we visited the recently inaugurated “Aztlan” amusement park. He is a great host and although I don’t live in the same city, I can say that both he and the guys from #TeamTacos are excellent people and that they make you feel part of the group at all times. I hope on the next occasion to participate in a meet-up to greet each other again.

#Mexico #TeamTacos


Muchas gracias @LightRich siempre estás ahí para ayudar en todo, los meet-ups no serían lo mismo sin ti!

@franzo @luis_rich Ha sido un placer poder conocerlos en los meet-ups ¡ojalá pronto nos veamos en más meet-ups virtuales o hasta en sus ciudades!


Great post @MoniDi

@LaloPadilla , a great person, host and friend

I have had the opportunity to attend some of his meetups, and I have always had a great time, I have learned curious facts about the places and he is a person that motivates you to keep growing as a Local Guide.

He is also a person who is very creative when it comes to taking pictures.

Well earned and well deserved award and congratulations @LaloPadilla !!

Team Tacos, yeiiii :mexico: :raised_hands:t3:


@LaloPadilla Nice work & congratulations :tada: to you. You have done a great job.

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Thanks for sharing this post & telling us about meet up champion @LaloPadilla congratulations very happy to read the post. I met him virtually during pandemic in virtual meet up & at state Challenge meet up… Yes his virtual meet up at state challenge we used enjoy know about Mexico countries .

My best wishes to you.

You come to India :india: Mumbai were we can have a meet up with our Champion.

And know more about each other’s country Lets have connect community live 2025 in Mumbai. I invite even , @AdrianLunsong let’s celebrate community live in Mumbai, as I told you all in 2020 live there is beach near my house, Big ground to play cricket: foot ball, Tennis court, You all will enjoy the trip.

Happy birthday connect…


Congrats @LaloPadilla On being recognized on holding and organizing successful meet ups. Keep up the great work.

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