Hey neighbors! Hope your day is off to a great start (it’s 7:50am around here!)! I was checking out my Google Maps photos and my Gmail and thought I’d share a fun fact - this pic is my most viewed so far! Kinda surprised, honestly, I have others I think are way better! But hey, I’m glad it’s helpful to folks checking out this local spot.
Thanks for sharing that with us! Since what you shared is about one of your achievements, it’s a great fit for the Connection & celebrations category with the Let’s celebrate tag. To keep Connect organized, I’ll change the category and tag on your topic.
To get to know more about our categories please check out this topic and here you can learn more about our tags.
Que tal @LaloPadilla como estas! Me dio mucho gusto verte el otro dia en el meetup acerca de los features de nuevo connect! Si, esta foto me enorgullece, no es perfecta pero si recuerdo que el dia lo era, cielo despejado, buen y justo salia de clases (es la foto del campus de una universidad en Lima).