This is the second time I request advise in Connect. After my first writing, I submit request to review my account of 3 months. There is significant increase of my publish review, however not all problem solved.
What aren’t solved :
All my review never immediately published. May be take a week time. I am a genuine reviewer. I don’t think I violate any rule. I go to new places everyday. Take photos and video on the spot, then write the review. For review of food by delivery, I click Delivery. Several time i get email from google thank me for 40 something days of consecutive upload… Still my review never immediately publish.
Yesterday I check, some of my 6 months review photo missing. Review still there, total view still theee, but no more photo. That photo really are mine. All photo had locatjon tagging. Google system must able to detect location i took.
From year 2nd to year 4th. All my review and photos missing… But year 5th still there. I dont think I only review for 5 year. My current status is LC level 8.
I am really frustrated. Please Connect Moderator help me.
Note : Yesterday I submitted form to review my account again, but this time for 1 year up check.
Hi @Sam61
Good that you decided to submit the appeal form again, to restore your 109 hidden reviews.
Regarding the delay in publishing the reviews, this seems to be a recent procedure due to a check of the contents (photos and videos) attached to a review. According to my experience a review without attached media is usually posted very quickly.
As you mentioned also the photos, I wanted to check your contributions.
There are a lot of problems on your photos. Several are posted two or even three times, and sometimes the same photos are posted on more than one place. These are all violations of the policies, so my suggestions is to remove all of them immediately to avoid unpleasant surprises when the team will check your account to fix the issue with the reviews
Thank you for your review and help. Regarding one photo in more than one place. That one in Cemara Asri complex, a very huge complex with many sub complex. I use same photo on sub complex and the overall complex. It is not to getting point, but provide information. I will delete one of them based on your advise. Thank you
Thank for your very good article regarding " business within". If I am not mistakenly understand. We dont need to put the photo in the main, but post it in the shop, then link this business to the bigger one.
Regarding the delay of my review, I think google intentionally delay published my review. On the same store, level 1 reviewer review published in hour, mine already several day still on hold. Is there any way to file complain to google to let them aware their filtering system not sophisticated enough. It is not fair for those with 500 or 1000 reviews vs those only with 1 or 2 reviews. Please advise.
As I said, @Sam61 , when you post a review all the attached media are checked, and more media (especially videos) you attach, more time the check will take.
I know this very well, as it is the same also for me.
There is also some extreme case, like the one here below, where you attached 2 photos (duplicate) and 9 videos (3 videos added 3 times), the check can be very long
In addition adding duplicates is a violation of the program, and can end in some penalization if you appeal to have your (more than 100) hidden reviews reinstated
Thank for showing me some error I make. I will correct it.
For your information, I notice today, one new review with 3 photos, published quite fast. But new review with video was on hold.
May I ask you. For the 1st photo I submit for Add Place usage . After the new place approved, when I make first review and adding that “1st photo”, is that a violation too?, as I dont see that photo yet on the place. So i thought that photo is only for submission purpose. I always add that same photo - which I use on new place approval - into review as that photo is a good front facade of a place. Please advise.
After you mentioned about double post on my photo, i just remember, probably there is bug in the system which I encountered, kindly discuss with google :
After several days of making review and post photo of a place, google many times pop up with the photo ( which I already posted in the review) , asking whether I want to post. Sometime i just click Post ( because google asking whether I want to post). Sometime I just ignore it. Could this lead to double post of the photo? If it is, this should not be my fault, as i thought probably google have other usage of the photo and want to post to other section.
Many time, when I click “+ contribute”, google shows a place if I want to contribute, eventhough I already post the review of that place. I am sure, Google system fail to detect that I already make the review.
Currently, most of the time, after I visited a place, when I click +Contribute, google would not automatically show that place,.as if google blank where i have been. I have to search the place name, and making contribution.
Previously, after I visited a place, click contribute, google would automatically show that place. Funny thing come up… After making review and post, most of the time, when I click +contribute, the same place show again asking me if i want to Contribute.
There might be a bug in the google map system, or bug on my account.