Pandvas built an ancient Shiva temple Karneshwar at Sangmeshwar.

Pandvas built an ancient Shiva temple Karneshwar at Sangmeshwar .

Location: Karneshwar Temple

Information about this temple is found in Sangameshwara Mahatmya, a Sanskrit pothi compiled by Seshakavi from Srikarana Sudhanidhi book based on verses from Sahyadri volume. Construction of temple of Karneshwar etc. S. Scholars believe that it may have been done by King Karnadev of the Chalukya clan of Gujarat between 1075 and 1095. The possibility of this Karna king being from Kolhapur has been mentioned in the Philosophers of Ratnagiri district.

This location and the temple are quite old. The Pujari at the temple informed us that it was erected by Pandavas…! A structure composed of black stones, it resembles medieval Indian architecture.

The temple is more than a 1600 years old. It is a stunning piece of architecture. The old priest of the temple brilliantly describes the temple’s history.

Because humans were taller than 8 feet, the seating space inside the temple is likewise elevated (5 feet) above ground level.It appears that there were about 300 temples of this kind, but Aurangazeb and his army demolished virtually all of them, and the remaining 25 are not in excellent shape.

On your walk to the temple, you will come across a location (a little chowk) where the famous Maratha warrior king Chhatrapati Sambhaji Raje Bhonsale is said to have been taken alive by Aurangzeb’s army.

The temple is gorgeous, calm, and well-maintained. It is also quite popular among locals who frequent the temple.

:wheelchair: Accessibility :

The place is not accessible for whelchair .

:blue_car: How to reach :

This temple is located near Kasaba, 4 kilometers from Sangameswar in the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra.ST buses run between Kolhapur and Ratnagiri, with a stop in Sangameshwar.From there, you can access shared vehicles.The temple is about 0.5 km from the major road.

:plate_with_cutlery: Where to eat :

There is village Outside of temple general store shops available you only get snaks item Nearby so carry your own food only .

:earth_asia: Nearby attraction :


Excellent post with amazing photos @Praniketmore

I especially liked the ceiling carvings :+1:

I also noted a stepwell nearby, so will definitely try to visit here in the rainy season.



Das ist eine großartige Beschreibung dieser Tempelanlage mit den vielen schönen Bildern. Die Architektur ist besonders und für das Alter noch immer Sehenswert.

Auch die Statue hat mir sehr gut gefallen.


Thank you @TusharSuradkar ,Yes, sir, in the rainy season, it looks more attractive.



** @Praniketmore **

खूप अप्रतिम…

अशा आपल्या भारतीय ऐतिहासिक ठेवेची पोस्ट कनेक्टर जगा समोर शेअर केलेली पोस्ट खूपच आवडते…

त्याबद्दल मनापासून धन्यवाद


@Annaelisa Thank you, The statue is of a great Maratha ruler. Although the statue is far from the temple, each temple in this place has its own uniqueness.


A very informative post.
I would love to see such historical places.

thank you for sharing with us @Praniketmore .


Realmente muito interessante esse templo @Praniketmore . Seus detalhes ricamente esculpidos, são belissímos. Não entendi porque diz que os homens tinham 2,5m de altura. Se puder me dar mais explicações sobre isso, agradeço.

Minhas saudações de alegria e paz.


@rosanabtl Thank you mam … :blush:

In India Hindu religion is greatest and sanatani religioun in which Bhagwatgeeta ,world wide people known about bhagwat geeta as per the information in geeta there is earlier 4 yugs

  1. Kṛta Yuga: Human height was 21 cubits. The average human lifespan was 100,000 years.

  2. Treta Yuga: There was three-quarters virtue and one-quarter sin. The average human stature was 14 cubits. The average human lifetime was 10,000 years.

  3. Dwapara Yuga: There was one half goodness and one half sin. The average human stature was 7 cubits. The average human lifetime was 1,000 years.

  4. Kali Yuga: There is one quarter righteousness and three quarters sin. The average human stature is 3.5 cubits. The average human lifespan will be 100 years.

(The cubit, widely accepted as equal to 18 inches (457 mm), was based on the length of the arm from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger.)

(The meaning of YUGA is one of the four ages of a Hindu world cycle.)



Das sind überaus interessante Informationen, danke dafür


Karaneswarar Temple is here too in Chennai. It is interesting to know the fact that this Temple was built by Pandavas @Praniketmore . Lucky enough many Temples of Tamilnadu were spared as then rulers were very powerful. I visit Temples frequently, not only they give solace to mind, body and soul, I like the Temple architecture very much. Your have shared breathtaking photos. Thank you very much.

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Thank you @Gurukrishnapriya

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The post is really interesting and informative, my dear @Praniketmore ,

The photos are very appealing and very contextual… Great!

Even your explanations to our LGs @rosanabtl and @Annaelisa …is very important…the chart also is very good.

Appreciate very much…

Regards with prayers

:pray: :rose: :raised_hands:


Thank you sir @TravellerG for your appreciation .

In the local guide forum It’s my responsibility to answer their questions and clarify my topic for them.and like that someone really read out my containt so I feel it’s my responsibility.

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"… It’s my responsibility to answer their questions… C

Yes, you are absolutely right, dear @Praniketmore

Such quick & valuable responses will increase your followers…

Best wishes

:handshake: :rose:

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@TravellerG Thank you, sir, for your kind remarks. They will help and encourage me.

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Welcome dear, @Praniketmore ,



Hey @Praniketmore

Thanks for tagging me here… The post is really wonderful. The grandeur and historical importance of this temple is indeed amazing :star_struck: Classic captures, I loved the intricate carvings and detailed statue designs :heart_eyes:

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This is nice place. I have been to this place few times. My sister lives in Devrukh which is near Sangameshwar. And Karneshwar is just 2-3 km away from Sangameshwar.

The temple is awesome. You have written a very good article. Thank you for sharing. @Praniketmore

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@abhishekpatk Thank you for your appriciation. So nice to here that your sister live in konkan,I was there at my friend’s home in Tulsani Sangmeshwar and came to Devruk for various work purposes. I will plan to Sangmeshwar next month and want to visit more locations there.

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