Pending Location Additions - Seeking Guidance & Troubleshooting

Dear Google Maps Community,
I’m a Local Guide and have been actively contributing by adding new locations to Google Maps in my area (chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh, India) during December, January, February, and March. However, I’ve noticed that several of my location additions are still pending, and some haven’t been approved.
I’m a bit concerned as these pending edits are not reflecting in my Local Guides points. I’m eager to understand what might be causing these delays or rejections, and how I can improve my contributions.


Yes that hapoens to me alot too! I have trouble adding new roads and ATM’S. I did find two work arounds for adding places. Sometimes the address is tied to a previous business or tenant that moved away or permanently closed. I was successful putting in an incorrect address or place name and adding a picture for proof. Once the “incorrect” edit is approved I redid my add place and it worked. The other thing I did successfully was edit the previous business that was still on Google maps and mark it as “no longer exists”. Once gone, I could add the new place. The trick is trying to find the previous place.


The other possibility is that someone else got their “add place” edit in before yours. That has happened to me. My edit stays in pending status forever but the the place magically gets added by someone else. Somewhere I did read that only the first edit received gets approved. I also noticed the other persons edit is sometimes inaccurate or missing details like phone number or website, so I submit an edit to correct them and get extra points for that! Also if there is no first review or first picture, I quickly add them to get more points and credit for my badge.

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@Ranu5g , as you may know edits has rules in the name, and every single element of the edit we add must be verifiable.
The verification is made by the AI by comparing what you add with the information available online about that place. More information you add and more possibly you have that the edit will remain pending or will be rejected.
Name: the first letter of every word must be capitalized
The name must be the official one.
Adding the location in the name should always be avoided. The place is on Google Maps, people who will search for it will find where it is, so the name is a redundant detail.
Repeating an edit that was just denied will not help you. On the contrary you may be flagged as a potential spammer.

There are three basic information that needs to be added when you create a place; Name, Category, Address. Adding more information may delete or deny the approval. You can easily add them once the place is approved.
Some kind of location, like hospitals, is more protected, and Maps accepted them only of added on GBP.
So I am not surprised for your list of not accepted places.
I’m more surprised about some other place where you contributed, like this one

Has the place added by you?
Is the emoji part of the official name of the location?


I hope you are joking, @TravellerTom

This is something you should never do! Permanent Closed places must remain in Google Maps, to keep the correct history of a location.
Several Local Guides were already banned on the past for using that kind of workaround. Please avoid to be the next one