We are Local Guides and what do link us, are the passion for contribution to GoogleMaps. But when we use localguideconnect we slowly understand that there exists an outstanding community.
When we than have the possibility to meet each other in person this is not only a firework of emotion, but a volcano! It is the always a highlight for a Local Guide…
To bring together this power of your community over several days it is not only one volcano , but the sun
is shining directly in front of you.
So instead of being jealous you should wait for the next years Meet Up what will be organized!
Here you find related posts:
by @ErmesT :
by @AntonellaGr
by @helga19
by myself:
But the picture above was already the second day , so let’s start chronological.
Thursday 20.09.2018:
19 pm - Come together
Piwnica Pod Baranami
This place has a special atmosphere, but as a Local Guide Meet Up, of course soon it was clear that we have to visit a restaurant.
Polskie Smaki Restauracja
Friday 21.09.2018:
Salt Mine Wieliczka
Kopalnia Soli “Wieliczka”
Weliczka is one of the oldest salt mines in operation and belongs to the World Heritage Sides of the UNESCO. It operates since the 13. Century! I suggest you to visit this place if you are in Poland.
Concentration and Extermination Camp Auschwitz
After this outstanding beautiful salt mine, we took the cars to visit one place of the darkest in human history. The Concentration and Extermination Camp Auschwitz, https://goo.gl/maps/izVTdvsfmXv
Around 1.300.000 people has been deported to this camp and Auschwitz network nearby.
As I have been many times in Auschwitz and also met already many survivors of this camp in person, I try to be calm, BUT this time something other did hit me. It was a simple basket on the top of the suitcases.
Put in the questions:
How the woman/girl was happy, when she got this painted basked?
Did she get the basked from her husband or friend, maybe she was a daughter and got it from her mother or father?
Like her eyes did shine, when she received the basked?
Here has been killed 1.100.000 individuals! Every single individual counts.
The only advice I have: Take it as a vigorous admonition that this genocide should never happen again.
Kazimierz district, Krakow
The dinner at Hevre https://goo.gl/maps/HZVYk47EeK22was good and as well Carlos did join us with his friends, but somehow everyone still has had in mind the visits during the day.
But no one did like to feel alone, so we visited my beloved Craft bear Pub “Ursa Maior Craft Beer”, plac Wolnica 10, 31-060 Kraków, Polen https://goo.gl/maps/sgvSNaSU8kk
So, you can see, that we walked through an alternating bath of emotions during the whole Friday. As well because Natalka did took the plan back to Kiev in the very early morning….
Saturday 22.09.2018:
After lunch and in some cases excellent café, we did have in front of us the 3 part of the Meet Up. And as Jan maintained in another post, we in fact without planning changed the Meet Up in to a EAT Up…
10 am Discover the center of Kraków
Meeting Point: Adam Mickiewicz Monument, Kraków
Rynek Główny, 30-962 Kraków, Polen
https://goo.gl/maps/yAgF3rujGXw including visit of Wawel Castel
Wawel 5, 31-001 Kraków
14:00 Polish Restaurant Morski Oko: https://goo.gl/maps/yArUy46YvYz
20m away was:
16:00 Café Tribeca https://goo.gl/maps/ZRyCBWGvc3C2
Than we was must to say good by to Michael and his family…
Picture was taken by 4 years old daughter of Michael, so the next Local Guide photo contributed is already on the way …
19 :30 Polish RestaurantBombonierka https://goo.gl/maps/yEri5kRUZNu
I mean, what is happen here. We have only one stomach…
22 :30 Mojito Café Cocktail bar https://goo.gl/maps/s7R7Su5FZKk
For more photos please use the link here:
Most of us left Krakow in the very early morning on Sunday to go back to their hometowns. But some stayed and visited 10 am Kraków underground (Podziemia Rynku)
Lessons Learned:
- Meet Ups are outstanding and always something special! Organize it with passion.
- Several Days and International Meet Ups are somehow the Champions League! It is hard to organize beside the job, but every second you invested is worth!
- Local Guide Connect www.localguideconnect.com is a great place to organize Meet Ups with people from different nations and is as well an outstanding platform for updating during the Meet Up.
- Create a hangout group for the participants, so that no one will get lost.
- Create several meeting points over the day, so that there is also time to discover places in your individual speed.
- Open your heart, because we humans need each other!
- A beautiful town like Krakow is a fantastic base, but the real beauty of the world you are able to discover in the humans especially when they have a shared passion with you and our passion is to be a Local Guide!!!