Good day everyone,
Our team reached there at 11:40 at this school. I took my team to introduce with the principal, he was pleased to heard that our team had gathered there from different locations, like @NareshDarji from Gandhinagar, @rajuroyal from Rajkot and @PriyankaU from Vapi. He was curious to use smart phone because he is totally blind so could not able to use so Naresh darji and raju royal explained about accessibility features in mobile and other instructions, meanwhile students finished their lunch so Mr. Ram Patel (Principal) requested to move towards hall. In the hall was nicely decorated and arranged. We were on the stage. Students were entering the hall with the help of each other, few children are totally blind so they needed help to settle themselves. I would like to share video recorded by @NareshDarji
This boy can not read but just listen this song tha way he is singing. goosebumps.
This time we did not create any PPT because the blind school we prefer oral conversation with children and principal sir. Our contribution is as below
He explained about talk back system which is useful for accessibility users and and explained about what is google map and their features. Children does not understand English so we have to speak in Gujarati language.
Accessible tools in mobile which is useful for blind people and also given explanation about Local Google Guides. He is the most senior Lg among us in Gujarart so he shared many features about accessibility features in mobile.
I explained about Google Assistant. . Tare not allowed to use in school hours but I requested to the principal’s daughter Ms. Ami to give permission to students and she agreed and I gave a demo about Google Assistant.
Children are more interested about cartoons and songs on YouTUbe so she explained about YouTube kids. and also given a demo for the same with the Google Assistant.
@RoshanPatel and @ImNikunj91 was very actively taken a part for personal explanation about all feactures which we were explained .
Few of them are using talk back system but they have queries which are solved by our team. The most fun part is after learning of google assistant they started giving call to thair teacher :)))) Ms Ami Patel ( daughter of principlal ) and on the day of event she come to kow that she is also google local guide. she is writing review and uploading photoes on the map she is at Level -5. more photoes
The day ended with distribution of chocolates and cup of tea rather then giving or teaching something we inspired from them. Thank you every one for support and visit for DSLR camera @rajuroyal , @NareshDarji , @PriyankaU , @RoshanPatel and his wife Ms.Uma patel and @ImNikunj91 and everyone who were involved directly or indirectlly support for this event special thanks to @TravellerG virtually present in this meetup.
Many many thanks from bottom of my heart to @Aruni @sonnyNg @DeniGu for sending me link which is very helpful for me in this event . Thank you from bottom of my heart.
Last but not the least as usual i prepared slide show to cover all photoes please watch
Dear lgs of this meet up please share your experiance with photoes and comments .