Some Comments and Notifications are disappeared on Connect

Hello LG Friends,

Apparently, I have experienced that some of my comments and notifications are disappeared from Connect. This has happened an hour ago and before that these comments and notifications were there on Connect.

For example here and here for comments.

For notifications I can’t share any example as I do not have the screenshot but I have seen them available early today.

Have you also experienced the same?



My experience is still new here (on the new design) and never have experimented that @Kumaarsantosh :confused:


Thanks @christophesubilia for your candid response.

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Yes, Santosh.
I experienced same issue from this morning. Many people has replied to my post but I’m not able to see notifications.

Kindly report this issue through feedback form.


Hello @Kumaarsantosh , I have experienced this situation once here


Thanks Naresh for confirming. I will raise this issue as appropriate through the feedback form.

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Thanks @PrasadVR for acknowledging. There is no set pattern and it is happening on a random basis.

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:thinking: @Kumaarsantosh & @PrasadVR ji


Good advise to think @ShailendraOjha.

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Thanks for posting about this issue, @Kumaarsantosh
I have escalated it to the team.
On the meantime it would be great if you can fill the form that you can find here: We’d love to hear from you! Share your thoughts on the new Connect

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Thanks @ErmesT for escalating this issue. I did fill up the feedback form.


Hello dear friend @Kumaarsantosh,
Sorry, I have not noticed this issue as I was not present on LG Connect in the morning…
Otherwise I have not checked… I shall update if I find any issue…
Anyways, this is a serious issue for those who have experienced it - so I to suggest you to report the same.

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Thank you dear friend @TravellerG for your acknowledgement.

Yes I reported this issue through the feedback form. Thanks for your kind advice.

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You are most welcome, dear friend Santosh…

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