Sunrise and Sunset in Belle Isle - Show Off Your City for #GoogleMapsTurns20!

Happy 20th Birthday Google Maps!
Keep up the good work, Google Maps, and thank you to everyone who made the Map awesome (please do not let us go back to those paper maps).

Yes, let’s celebrate this milestone together!!!

Dear LGs, inspiring by @NareshDarji’s post on Show Off Your City #GoogleMapsTurns20! I would love to share a place in Detroit: Belle Isle Park. It is a place to go when you want to be somewhere, a place where all Detroiters gather on every occasion.

The scenery during sunrise and sunset is stunning. Do you have any place where you do not mind getting up so early just to catch those beautiful moments? Would love to see some of your photos, please share!

You can check the review here [Google Maps] or visit their website at
[Google Search].

In the future, I will make a lengthy and complete story or even add to Google Earth meanwhile let’s enjoy the sunrise and the sunset, catch it at the right time, and get an unforgettable moment.

@NareshDarji, here are some of the photos I took when the sunrise.

View when the sun has just raised:

A pretty sky when pinkies red starts spreading all over the cloud creates a beautiful warm morning

@keithlabeau takes advantage of the strong wind by flying his mini kite

The best to watch this is in this specific location:

Here are some photos from the sunset:

Best location in the park to watch the sunset:

If you read this I hope you enjoy the photos, please do not forget to share yours I would love to see them!

Thank you,


This is a lovely :heart_eyes:, enthusiastic post celebrating Google Maps’ 20th anniversary and highlighting Belle Isle Park in Detroit.
Thank you so much for sharing.


আপনার উৎযাপনটি ছিল, মনে রাখার মতো জনাব @Erna_LaBeau

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Sehr schöne Bilder von dieser kleinen Insel und dem Sonnenaufgang :+1: @Erna_LaBeau und auch sehr kalt.

Lagebedingt ein Sonnenuntergang


Thank you @NareshDarji I also added photo of me with the sunrise at the back ground it was -17C a freezing morning


Thank you so much for reading my post @RazzuilbakyRozzub and by the way I am a she not he lol

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Love to see the sunrise or sunset by the lake or ocean, your photo is beautiful @Annaelisa and thank you for stopping by to read my post