Surprising Features of Google Maps that You Need to Try

Dear LGs, I hope you all are doing well. Today, I will going to share about my opinion on new features of Google Maps, that I used recently.

Everyone cannot be perfect, everyone has to be made perfect, which also includes Google Maps, these days we see complaints about this too in newspapers or online media.

Look, Google Maps has changed a lot since before. It will change even more in the coming years. User experience, navigation systems and 360° Street View, all these things.

Here I used two features, which I found the best. i.e. -

  1. Call-out features

In this features, I used flyover, road estimation or road report. What used to happen earlier was that whenever we were about to reach a flyover, we could not know exactly in Google Maps whether we have to go on the flyover or take the service road below the flyover. But now with the new feature it is clearly known whether we have to go via the flyover or the service road.

(Screenshot of Google Maps: NE1 & Sardar Patel Ring Road, Gujarat, India)

Similarly, it happens in road estimation feature also, in this you get to know whether your road is four lane or two lane or one way. And in road report, you can know from the name itself what to report on it, whether the road is bad somewhere, or there has been an accident there, or road construction work is going on.

  1. Live View

This live view feature is amazing, I have only used it recently, it is very good. Especially its 3D view, in which it is giving directions, that you are going in this direction and you are going in the right direction. And repeatedly giving signals that you should walk on the side of the road, otherwise an accident may occur. Google is silently making its products very brilliant and especially through AI.

(Caption: Jai Mata Hotel to Jotana GGS-1 Road)

How to use Live View

  1. Open the Google Maps app
  2. Search for a destination or tap it on the map
  3. Tap Directions
  4. Select the Walking icon
  5. Tap Live View at the bottom of the screen
  6. Point your phone’s camera at buildings and signs to help Google Maps find your location
  7. Follow the on-screen arrows to guide you to your destination

You can also use Live View in Location Sharing to see where a friend is and how far away they are. Read the complete guide of Live View features of Google Maps.

Share your feedback below and keep loving me like this, I will meet you in the next post, till then thanks. (Ka Hal Ba? which means, how are you? in Bhojpuri language)


Nice post @giteshsharma :+1: just tell me how can I switch to Live View mode in mobile.


@patrasomnath ji please read it again. I updated it.


Yup :100: true I explored it to add a missing place and road on maps. Thanks for sharing


@giteshsharma very useful. Thanks for the information :innocent::pray:


Nice, informative post, @giteshsharma .

Thanks for sharing with us.


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@giteshsharma well highlighted, that live view feature is amazing :+1:t2:

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Thanks @giteshsharma :+1:

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Thank you for kind words. @ShreyaMusings

Thank you @Abhijeet ji.

Thank you, sir. @AjitThite

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Yup, it’s amazing.

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These new Google Maps features sound amazing!
I’m always excited to explore updates that make sharing experiences even better.
Thank you for sharing with us!

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Nice Post. @giteshsharma. Thank you for sharing. I’ll try to find more.

Nice post @Abhijeet , even if only Fly Over is a quite new feature, while the reporting feature and Live view are quite old, even if probably made available in your country just recently.
The official version of Live view was released on October 1, 2020 (A new sense of direction with Live View), and I posted about that a couple of years ago: Lost in Venice? Follow the arrow! Testing Live View in narrow streets.
In addition I want to inform you that I removed the solution from your reply, because your topic does not need a solution.
For more details please read How do I mark replies as solutions?

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Yes Sir, keep exploring. :pray:

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Thank you @Mehedi_LGC ji

Dear @ErmesT sir, thank you reading the post and gave feedback, I’m very glad for it. As I said that I recently used this features, so that don’t want raise a question about release. And yes, please remove the solution tag from my reply, didn’t need any solution for this post. It’s general feedback that what I experienced. Again thank you. :pray:
Happy exploring, happy guiding. #letsguide

You are welcome, @giteshsharma
“New features” is mentioned in your title, isn’t it?
That’s what can confuse the readers


I agree with @ErmesT, @giteshsharma.
Probably better something similar to “How to use Call-out and Live View with Google Maps”. It not only avoids the subjective “new”, but also gives a quick, but more detailed clue about the topic.
Or even better “How I use …