This Year's Celebrate-With Me

Hy Local Guides,

As today is the last day in this year, I am going to point out Celebrate - With Me posts from me. I hope this year was fabulous for all of us as we got new initiatives and a new version of our Connect.

Before I start, I wanted to tell you what Celebrate - With Me really is. This is a one year post/collection of posts where I point out various food/drinks, awareness, celebration days, business days and LGBTQ+ related days to you. Even though some of you find posts caustic, I find errors in previous posts and correct them in the upcoming posts. This collection of posts started in June 2024 and will end in June 2025.

Food/Drinks Day :pancakes:

Awareness Day :wheelchair:

Travel Day :luggage:

Celebration Day :tada:

Business Day :business_suit_levitating:

LGBTQ+ related Day :rainbow_flag:

I hope this collection of posts helps you in some way. You can also be a part of it. Please let me know any upcoming special day by Private messaging me or commenting below.


Congrats @Rahul001 :handshake:

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Thank you @ShailendraOjha for your valuable comment and words!

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It looks so satisfying and amazing that we celebrated so many days together @Rahul001
I greatly appreciate you took the effort and meticulously listed all the days, made wonderful banners for each day, and encouraged local guides to participate.

I think I have participated in almost all days and it was a memorable journey.
Hope to continue this fabulous trend that you have set, in the new year as well.

Have a cheerful year ahead :confetti_ball:


Thank you Tushar for your valuable comment. It’s being great when other local guides shares related photo that they shared on Maps. You been also valuable comment or because you comment with most correct image for that day! Happy new year you too​:confetti_ball::sparkler:.

That’s a great initiative @Rahul001 My best wishes

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It’s a great achievement @Rahul001 keep posting.
Happy New Year

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