@WilfriedB you need to click the kudos blue heart on all the Leaderboard posts as Adam adds them each month. This is his gamified way of knowing if we’re actually looking at the hard work he routinely does behind the scenes. If you’re uncertain at any time, you can click VIP Lounge at the top, then click VIP Check. There you’ll see a list of recent items the system detected you hadn’t read yet. Getting up to date with those will get you up to VIP 10 the next time the web crawlers go over the system. (You may sometimes see us joke about Dexter, Adam’s little detective helper who’s watching us).
@tony_b thanks a lot. That clarifies what I probably did read to quickly a while ago
Good morning, sorry for the inconvenience, I followed the instructions in @PrasadVR 's post for the video, I think it went fine, although I don’t understand why he told me February 5 times!!! you see
Instead for the photo it gave me the following error see photo and deleted the post. How can I recover it and correct it.
Thank you for your dedication and professional collaboration.
Hello @Caverni Thank you for reading my post. I was able to open your video and photo link also. However,I noticed that the month ‘February’ appears five times in both tables. I hope @AdamGT will look into this issue.
Kann es nicht so sein, dass aufgrund keiner Änderung der Aufrufe, der Screenshot nicht geändert wurde und deshalb diese Ansicht entsteht.
Hello @Caverni and thank you for tagging me @PrasadVR
@Annaelisa is essentially correct. You updated your star photo details on 5th February and my guess is that because the star photo views didn’t change since then, you didn’t update to let the T100 System know that your data hasn’t changed so for each monthly leaderboard after February, the Star Photo Views History shows the last updated views of 2,018,210 and the date as being 5th February 2024.
You must, I repeat must update your star’s details each month, even if there is no change in views. I note that since 16 August 2023 you updated your star photo views but did not update the screenshot date. Again this is wrong. It’s a bad practice. It doesn’t take long to update your star data details each month. If you have a look at my star photo you can see that the views haven’t changed since March 2 but notice the date shown for each month is changing. This is because on the dates shown I entered the Leaderboard System and recorded that on those dates the star views was the same. Simple!
I note you did the same for your star video. Updated the star views of 90,874 on 5th February but did not update thereafter.
Add a comment and make sure to tag me if you have any questions.
@Annaelisa Thank you for your help in identifying the issue.
Grazie per la risposta.
Grazie Annaelisa per la risposta.
Hallo @AdamGT ich schaffe es leider nicht die schönen Tabellen unter meinen Foto und Video Stern zusetzen.
Die Ansicht ändert sich zwar etwas aber nicht so wie es sein soll.
Es wäre für mich sehr hilfreich die richtige Tabellen Ansicht zur Verfügung zu haben die ich dann direkt in den Beitrag einsetzen kann.
Im Voraus Danke
Grazie ad @AdamGT @PrasadVR e @Annaelisa ora mi e’ tutto chiaro. Anche il post con la foto che era stato cancellato come spam ora mi sembra sia tornato visibile.
Gerne, wir benötigen alle mal Hilfe und Erklärungen
Hi @Annaelisa
OK I understand. So I will try to come up with another way for you to do this on mobile. In the meantime, if you haven’t already done so, please tidy up your star photo and video posts so there is no part of the HTML of the tables shown.
Hello @Caverni , I feel happy your issue is resolved.
Danke, das habe ich bereits getan.
@PrasadVR ji Very Informative & Very helpful. Thank you for this wonderful post…
Thank you, @Raj_Tayade , for your encouraging words.
Thanks, Wonderful