اضافة مكان جديد

السلام عليكم اخواني …دتواجهني مشكله باضافة المكان يجيني رفض على اضافة مكان جديد بالخريطة مع عدم ذكر اسباب الرفض


Hi @Saif.alisawi
It is very common issue and also happen with me as well. Google won’t tell you any specific reason why it was rejected, but most of the common reason is Google cannot verify the information we shared during the edit request. After your edit request google verify our information by Google Algorithm or Google Local guide or both.
If your edit was rejected then google cannot verify your information. However, you can try later by filling all correct information, you can also try after going to the spot on live for more accuracy, it will increase the chance to approve.

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