Translation globe missing below comments

Hello dear @MortenCopenhagen , I noticed that the translation globe is missing below the comment. (My device iPhone 13). Please help, am I missing something?


I can confirm this behavior @PrasadVR
And it is random.
I can see the globe for some messages and at other times it is missing.
Probably, a setting in Connect preferences/options.

Let’s see what @MortenCopenhagen has to say.

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I have seen this too. I suspect it could be a side effect of writing so short replies that the translator thing does not have enough text to detect the language. I have only seen this problem under 1-3 line replies.


Thanks for this clue @MortenCopenhagen
I will watch out for this.

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I have started to gather some evidence @MortenCopenhagen

Here’s a post that has too few lines for the globe to jump in:

Here’s another post @MortenCopenhagen that has enough lines for the globe to appear:

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@MortenCopenhagen Thanks for answering my question. Perhaps your views are right. I will keep watching the issue. I have noticed the same issue on my desktop (Chrome browser on iMac) as well for the same comment. I have submitted the issue in the Feedback form also.

@TusharSuradkar, Thanks for jumping in and offering your views. I will keep an eye on this. Anyways, irrespective of the number of words, translation is required.
c.c @MortenCopenhagen

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When this happens and I need a translation I just paste i here when on Desktop:

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@MortenCopenhagen , This is a helpful solution for the time being :+1:.

Yes, I agree with that @PrasadVR
I am in favor of having a globe where required, and should not be limited to larger messages only.


I found this post with very few words, yet has the globe.
So the findings are conflicting.

@MortenCopenhagen @TusharSuradkar @PrasadVR

Ich verstehe ĂĽberhaupt nicht warum die hervorragende Ăśbersetzung aus dem Connect nicht beibehalten wurde.
Alles was man zusätzlich einschalten und aufrufen muss ist doch umständlich und zeitraubend.

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@MortenCopenhagen , The Above comment is also short but the globe is appearing. Could we conclude it is not because of writing short replies?
c.c @TusharSuradkar

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@MortenCopenhagen @PrasadVR @Annaelisa
I still use the browser translation.
I used this in the old Connect also.
Never rely on any feature - they are always a hassle.


Let us keep en eye on where tags are located in short texts. Start of text, start of line, or no tags at all etc.


@MortenCopenhagen , I will let you know if I find anything worth it.

@MortenCopenhagen @TusharSuradkar @PrasadVR

Das folgende passiert bei langen Beiträgen:

Gestern hatte ich schon so einen Fall.
Ich habe es auch gestern schon gemeldet.


Let is keep this discussion about the missing globe icon.

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