[Virtual] India, March 08, Celebrating women's impact in life & on Maps ! #IWD special virtual meetup

Hi All,

Let’s celebrate the impact of women in our lives , on Maps and on Connect ! The agenda of this meet-up is to come togethre to celebrate womenhood , sisterhood and come together as a community that respects , cherishes and supports women & women owned businesses ! Together we can create #MapsForAll !

We also have a special guest @Cecilita with us who is my friend and a Connect Moderator from Argentina ! She is been one of the best mappers around the globe and her contributions towards sustainability , accessibility and connecting the community speak volumes about her as a women inspirer ! We will talk to her about her journey as a Local Guide and also there is a Q&A kept where you can ask her questions related to Maps/ Connect contributions.

Lets celebrate the ‘International Women’s Day’ in a unique way this year , by coming together and celebrating womenhood ! Looking forward to seeing you all !

Note : The meet-up is a virtual one and would be recorded and uploaded on YouTube. Your presence in the meet-up gives us a consent to be recorded by you. Thanks!


Great initiative :raised_hands: Surely will join @Globe_trotter_Ish


What a unique way to celebrate IWD! Thank you @Globe_trotter_Ish for this amazing initiative. :clap::ok_hand:
Will surely try to join you virtually.

All the best! :100:


Best wishes for the meet-up @Globe_trotter_Ish I’ll join the meet-up for sure :blush::+1:


Wonderful initiative, @Globe_trotter_Ish. I will be there.


Great Initiative! @Globe_trotter_Ish
See you soon virtually.


Woww this is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other women local guides. Thank you for doing this. @Globe_trotter_Ish

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Thank you @NileshNag @Gouri_S_Prakash @ShreyaMusings @NareshDarji @SoniaK @NituGogoi ! Looking forward to meeting you all !


Looking forward to this @Globe_trotter_Ish @Cecilita


@Globe_trotter_Ish I will be there from 7.30 to 8. Because I can not join for Esha prayer.

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Wow good initiative @Globe_trotter_Ish :pray:

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Will definitely be present virtually at meet-up

Great Initiative! @Globe_trotter_Ish
See you soon virtually.

Great :clap::clap: @Globe_trotter_Ish

happy international women’s day dear @Globe_trotter_Ish and hope to join you soon

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