[Virtual] Mexico, March 08, MEEETUP VIRTUAL: Aniversarios Google Maps y Local Guides

Vamos a reunirnos para conocer a nuevos Local Guides y comentar sobre los Aniversarios de Google Maps y Local Guides

  • ¿Que iniciativas de la comunidad global están en marcha a lo largo de 2025 para celebrar estos aniversarios?
  • Conoce más sobre las campañas TRAC y #LocalGuidesCleantheWorld
  • ¿Estás en México y vives fuera de CDMX? Regístrate a este meetup y conéctate para ganar stickers oficiales de Local Guides.

Regístrate en este formulario para recibir el link de conexión al meetup en tu email y en Google Calendar. Esto permitirá que te conectes en automático a la sesión.

¡Nos vemos pronto!


Hello @LightRich, Thank you for the announcement. I have submitted the form. I will be happy to join the meet-up. All the best!


Done form fill & submitted & mark to calendar dear @LightRich
Thanks :pray:

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Best wishes for your meet up , filled the form.

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Thanks @PrasadVR @RosyKohli @ShailendraOjha @Dhanu_20 !
It will be my pleasure if all of you join in this meetup. I think it´s relevant you know this meetup will be held in spanish but you can activate the subtitles and the translate function incorporated in Google Meet to follow up the conversation. Obviously you can talk in english for the audience and i will be very happy to introduce all of you with the Latam community that attend this event.
I always tell them that Connect is the best way to make new friends in the local guides community around the world and this will be a great time to prove it!


Filled From,I will surely join this meetup.
Best Wishes for Meetup

Thank you for the meet-up announcement @LightRich . Submitted the form and will surely try to join.
All the best! :clap::pray:

Nos vemos el sábado :hugs::sparkles:


All the best for the grand meet-up @LightRich

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Hey @LightRich i have submitted my form and thanks for announcing this meet up. Looking forward to learn more about trac

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@LightRich me apunté!

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