Visit to Coca-Cola Factory in Bengaluru India

Just before the Covid-19 lockdown started I had the opportunity to visit the Coca-cola factory on the outskirts of Bengaluru. The location is close to the town of Bidadi and the official name is Hindustan Coca - Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.(HCCB). Bidadi Factory.

This factory is a bottling plant where the drink is prepared from the syrup and then bottled in various sizes. The concentrated syrup is prepared in faraway Pune and transported to this location.

We observed and learned about various operations like glass bottle cleaning and manufacturing of plastic bottles from its raw material called a Preform. The preform looks like a test-tube with thread at one end for the bottle cap. There are different types, shapes, and sizes of a preform for the different bottles.

Hot air is blown through the preform which both melts and blows up the tube like a balloon which takes the shape of the mold it is placed in. This creates a soft-drink bottle.

After this the cold drink or soft drink is filled in the bottle. The drink is in warm condition initially.

Some space is left in the bottle which is filled with Nitrogen.

There are several liquid-level and quality checks performed.

The brand labels are wrapped around the bottle as per the drink followed by printing the date and the price.

Finally, the bottles are grouped and packaged together which is done automatically using machines and robots. The machines make lot of noise. So visitors are provided with earplugs which you can see me and my colleagues wearing the photo below.

accessiblity_64.pngAccessibility Features

:heavy_check_mark: Ramp Access.

:heavy_check_mark: Wheelchair-accessible Entrance.

:heavy_check_mark: Wheelchair-accessible Restroom/Toilet.

:heavy_check_mark: Wheelchair-accessible Seating.

:heavy_check_mark: Wheelchair-accessible Parking.

Overall, it was a very immersive and educative tour of the plant.

The factory also allows school and group trips.


Hai @TusharSuradkar .

Factory visit is the activities that I like much.

Seeing conveyorbelt running and the sound of the machine, it make me happy.

By the way I like the safety and health cap that you and your friend use.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.


Very well said @BudiFXW

Safety and hygiene are forced inside food factories.

Ideally, we should practice this everywhere by wearing helmets and keeping ourselves and our surroundings clean.

The present Covid-19 challenge provides an opportunity to take the first step towards this goal.

What do you think?




Yes Tushar @TusharSuradkar .

What happen today will change our way of thinking and do and how we socialize in the future.


Hi @TusharSuradkar ji , is it open for all or how does it work for a visit here ?


Hi @NarenChandra ,

It is open for educational institutes from school level up to engineering.

The company I worked for provided machinery for the bottling plant so we had free access to the plant.

But I am sure, they allow entry to casual visitors as well. Perhaps not for individuals but for groups with a purpose or just for fun.

~Greetings from New Delhi

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@TusharSuradkar Thanks a lot

I was always fascinated since child hood seeing this food factory in Nat geo ,

Will plan to visit once this covid situation is done


Sure, @NarenChandra there’s a film city within a kilometer of the plant called Innovative Film City but is nothing like Ramoji, also entry fees are high, but worth a visit.

Also on way to the coca-cola plant is the big banyan tree that is a must-visit, you will enjoy it if you love nature.

~Greetings from New Delhi

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Thanks for the suggestions @TusharSuradkar sure will consider.

Already added few places in Bucket list to visit from your suggestions.


Hi could any one provide the contact person details for plant visit

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Hi @venky437

You search their number from Google Maps and call them.

They are our customers, so we communicated internally for the visit.

Also, I would suggest using the @ tool to address people when replying, as I have done above.
This sends a notification to people about your message and helps keep the communication streamlined.


Hi Sir
I am seeking contact details to facilitate communication regarding an industrial visit to the HCCB Plant , BIDADI by NTTF Educational Institute in Bengaluru. Could you kindly provide the appropriate contact information?



Hi @TusharSuradkar

I am seeking contact details to facilitate communication regarding an industrial visit to the HCCB Plant , BIDADI by NTTF Educational Institute in Bengaluru. Could you kindly provide the appropriate contact information?



Hi @madhubabu_ks

Thank you for your query.

You may search for their number from Google Maps and call them.

They are our customers, so our HR department communicated internally for the visit.
