Warning! - Wrong "Rate this Place" Message

Attention Local Guides
An old problem is appearing again in the Google Maps app for Android: We are being prompted to “rate this place” for places we have already written a review for.

The problem had already arisen years ago, and now it has arisen again.

Please note: Giving a new rating will take you to the screen where you can write a review. This review will overwrite the previous one.

What to do?
Before giving a new rating, visit the listing to check if you have already written a review for that listing.

  • 1 - Select the name of the place to visit the listing
  • 2 - Select the Reviews tab
  • 3 - Check if you already wrote a review. If so, your review will be on the first place

If you just tapped the stars to give a rating you will be sent on the “write a review” screen. If you don’t want to replace your old review just tap on the “back” arrow on the top left of the screen
I am adding @MoniDi on the conversation to escalate the issue with the team.
Thank you

For more details I am adding a sequence of a few of the listings where I’ve been invited to add a review

Here below the relevant reviews:


Dear @ErmesT , Thanks for sharing the issue and the consequences. I have observed this issue daily on my iOS device as well. I am also getting suggestions to review the places that I have already submitted the reviews.


Hello everyone, why does Google put it on Device, i had the error now on my phne that all the places that i already made contributions, is recommended in my panel to leave a review, even when i still have a active review for this places. Not so great at all sadly.


Hi @Grand_Al

Timeline is now save on Device but it will not affect to your contribution on Google Maps; the recommendation to leave a review is a notification from Google Maps apps. This notification remind you to leave a review after visiting a place. However, you can stop this notification from Settings on google maps apps; Settings> Notifications> Reviews and media> Set preference for all tun it OFF (or you can select individually).


Hi @Grand_Al
I reported this issue for Google to take care of it: Warning! - Wrong "Rate this Place" Message on Android
To keep Connect organized I am merging your post in there.

I suggest you again to read carefully, @AbdullahAM . The notifications are sent for places that we already reviewed


Glad that you’re reading my all replies and helping me to be answered more carefully @ErmesT


Thanks for sharing the information.

Some time ago, Google started to ask me to not refresh properly my reviews. I star and review a new site… everything seems ok but… maps keeps asking me to make that review again and again. I can see my review already up on the site, and Google keeps asking me to do one. What i’m doing wrong? Is there a way to reindex or something? All my modules and apps in the smartphone are updated… any idea? Or is it a common and known problem?


Hello @MAGS welcome to the Local Guides Connect community!
You did not do anything wrong. Many local guides including myself have reported it, but as of my knowledge, the only “solution” is to ignore those suggestions.
My careful, though: If you decide to follow such a suggestion to write a new review, the contents of the existing one might be lost.


Like @WilfriedB said, this is known and already reported.
For this reason, and to keep Connect organized, I am merging your post on the ongoing Topic about the issue: Warning! - Wrong "Rate this Place" Message

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Thanks for the guidance Ermes. I have a POI in my Maps notification list where I’m being asked to Add a Review. Following your suggestion i checked and confirmed I’d written one 2 months ago.

Next action is to tap the three dots at top right and tap Dismiss Place.

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I wonder if this behaviour is intentional. If your review is X days old, I wonder if Maps will then prompt you to rate/review the place again if you happen to revisit the place. @ErmesT the examples you showed are reviews that are 2 years old and perhaps Maps is just trying to push for fresher content.

However, that said, if that is the intention (i.e. for users to update their ratings/reviews after a revisit after X amount of time), then Maps should pull the existing rating/review from their database and show it so that the user knows they are updating a previous contribution.

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Nope, @AdrianLunsong
In the Contribute section Maps is asking me to write a review (wrong message)

while in the Update section is inviting me to update my review (correct message) for the same place.


Thanks for escalating this @ErmesT I have been facing a similar issue since the last few months. Hopefully there should be a fix rolled out soon

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Hello @ErmesT, please be advised that I have escalated the issue further and I will get back to you if I have an update. Thanks!


Thank you for informing us, @MoniDi .
I’ve temporarily accepted your reply as The solution for everyone to know that the team is aware, an hopefully at work, to fix it

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I have the same problem, but a number of my reviews are only a few hours old, or have been updated in the last few hours. Every time I visit our local supermarket, I get asked for a rating / review as if I have never done so. Every time it happens, I look up the place, go the the review section, and make an update to the last review I made. This dismisses the request to rate / review, but on the next visit to the supermarket I get another request for a rating / review as if I had never done so.


Thanks for sharing your experience too, @smipi1
As you can see, the issue has been escalated already to the team.
Hopefully it will be fixed soon

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Oh so nice to see so many shared experiences and views here. I am experiencing this a lot, and please note I use iphone and not android.

Sometimes I can choose to remove the place from my timeline, but this concerns places I have not visited, but being asked to rate.

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