Thanks a lot dear @DeniGu
Sure, I’ll send feedback
You just need to hit the tiny globe icon under a topic or reply you want to have translated. I have prepared a tutorial on this, but the team wants to publish them on a certain time schedule—hopefully soon.
Love how convenient it has become to operate from a smartphone itself. Contributing on Local Guides Connect hasn’t been easier earlier! Great job
Great to see a real profile picture now
Just a suggestion:
Can we refer to “topics” as “posts or discussions” and “replies” as “comments”?
That will simply further, I think.
@MortenCopenhagen @AdamGT @Jesi @AdrianLunsong
Okay but your are off regarding “Post” as they are a collective term for topics and replies.
My thoughts are always possitive when you see several improvements on a forum you love!
I don´t remember if this feature is new or not , but is other thing i loved too!
And giving us the chance to add a survey and a table on commnents and posts is awesome!
Thats ok. @MortenCopenhagen .
One more thing: when I started writing a topic, after I close that and I got it saved as drafts and can view it at the bottom of the Home page. I would like to know for how much time will stay as the draft? Is there anyway to know about it more in detail?
Hooray @Julie_A, new Connect is live !
I love the new modern and easy design, faster and mobile friendly compared to before.
Welcome and enjoy Local Guides
Le Design est beau, l’expérience utilisateur est très bonne tellement les choses deviennent facile sur avec les ajouts des icônes récents… J’ai l’impression que le New Connect a rajeuni et cela facilitera même au nouveau sur la plateforme de s’y habituer rapidement et seuls.
J’apprécie énormément le fait New connect est si simple aussi sur Mobile, c’était ma requête de plusieurs années en tout cas.
Merci à toute la Team pour ce beau boulot!
I absolutely love the new design
Tagging people feels so smooth, and the emoji panel is so fun to use. The RSVP feature for meetups is fantastic, and the overall look is awesome! The video feature was much needed.
Still have more to explore, but I’m really enjoying new connect.
Great job to the team!
Missing road mapper and also missing my all road mapper post.
Hi @Julie_A For starters the new connect loads much faster and the interface is appealing to the eye, pretty sleek I must say. Looking forward to enjoying it in full.
Loved the new LG Connect Very easy and fluidic design and responsive UI. Still exploring new features. Yes, the tagging feature has improved a lot. Overall it looks impressive. Kudos to the whole team
Hello I’m really happy with the return of Connect, there are some simple things that need improvement but it’s amazing, congratulations!!!
if possible add in form attached a picture , There are some things that we may not be able to present well in writing, for example if we show you another picture or something we designed or made it would be easier for you to understand. @Julie_A @DeniGu
Hii [@julie_A] [@DeniGu]it’s awesome to see new Google local guides connect and new improved topics thanks for the update
The new look and feel is good however it is going to take some time to get used to this new look and the features. Honestly the old one looked good for me. Maybe it is so new once i get used to it i should be fine i guess.
Hey there ,
the new brand brand new look is definitely step forward and thanks for that!
Also the initial loading speed, after update, is much more faster .
However, I sometimes have an issue with logging in . For example, today, I visited this forum and then clicked on the “Log in” button right away to go through the login process, but I got this weird error below
I definitely didn’t change the browser during the login process, so authorization timed out, which is probably a problem on your backend .
Moreover, the UI of this error page is very odd. It is almost a blank page without any header or LocalGuides logo . I would vote for its improvement
Hi @MahabubMunna,
There is an option to upload a picture if you are reporting a bug.
Do you want to attach a picture for another reason (such as suggesting a new feature / improvement)? If yes, let me know.