What does the Local Guides program mean to me?

What does the Local Guides program mean to me? It’s the discovery of new information about places where I have never been. And this is an exciting competition with other guides who will score more and more points to rise to a higher level. It motivates.

I discovered the program “Local Guides” a few years ago. I live in a small country in the center of Europe- Belarus.

Unfortunately, I do not speak English well and do not have enough financial resources to travel more often.But I have always liked Google’s products, thanks to which you can do incredible things and explore the world around us.

I do not know English, but I write thanks to Google translate.

I do not know a new area, but Google maps help me.

I keep business correspondence thanks to gmail.

I save necessary information thanks to google drive.

I show my daughter any cartoon thanks to youtube.

But the program “Local Guides” allows me even virtually but it is so exciting to travel anywhere in the world and to watch the information posted by my friends from the community “Local Guides”.

And I am very inspired by the letters that come to me indicating my next achievements: how many people have seen this or that photo of mine, how many people have read my review.

And even if I have no chance to get to your conference, I want to say a huge hello to my friends and wish them new achievements.

Thank you, Local Guides

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@iBrand Честно и от души :slightly_smiling_face:

К слову, здесь на сайте можно писать и по-русски, встроенный переводчик неплохо переводит текст, только добавляйте в этом случае тег “русский” (кроме заявки на Connect, конечно).