Why Google not activate the Monitazion for local guide

Hope all is fine . In my point of view I think we give people good content like any one do in Facebook or YouTube channel so all of them is take money for what he do. Why us as a local guide didn’t have access to get money while we provide a good content help people around the world
Thanks Google


Thank you asking your doubts @Abdelhameed . Local guide program is a volunteering program where each of us help a individual or a community in Google Maps. Even if our contributions helps just one local guide / user who is travelling/searching for a Resturants, it really makes impact. In this program everyone is equal and is contributing for a better future. Check this post to see how vast our community is. From my experience if we monetized it, this big energetic community will lost in dust.

Why I contribute each day is that I know it may help atleast one person who is using maps and if I earn something from it, there’s no point of doing this right.

Contribute to help!


Hello @Rahul001 nice to meet u. Iam very much appreciate your clarification, but I think that when there is a financial incentive, this will encourage us to visit more places and discover new, interesting experiences. I believe that our mission is not only to register restaurants or express an opinion about them, but our role is much greater than that, and I believe that Google should provide incentives. More for us to continue. Thank you

Imaš Prav @Abdelhameed
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Srečno @Perko :slovenia:

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Unfortunately, financial incentives also lead to malpractices and spamming.
Hence the intention of contribution is clearly stated from the beginning - volunteering.

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The translation could have a bit quirks, but I did not understand how the Google Boss’s India origins have to do with this topic @Perko


We can try and try
Let’s send to @Google and try to talk with this point

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Let’s do our Best we all doing great work so we need Google look to us

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