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Keep Moving In A Pandemic: Using Exercise To Add Storefronts To The Map

I don't know about you, but as someone who gets cabin fever easily and needs to be moving at all times, this pandemic has definitely curbed my contributions to Google Maps. Going from someone who went out to eat, shop, go to group functions at area businesses and take my kids to parks to burn off energy to someone who is at home 90% of the time has been rough. Fewer photos of food dishes, latte art, public murals, playgrounds, and museums had caused my contributions to be very narrow and focused around essentials like grocery stores, gas stations, offices, and drab places. Local Guides love flair, individuality, and character. We perform best when they can post gorgeous nature views, the best ramen in town, unique furniture and decor that people wouldn't see without trying a new place. And the last year showed me that I needed to get creative.


Exercising My Right To Be A Local Guide


I have always loved to exercise (running, cycling, hiking, lifting weights at the gym, etc.) and I wanted to find a way to use my limited 10% of the time away from my home to help my health and my community. So I got the idea to take photos of almost every business in my hometown on Google Maps while exercising. I started near my house and plotted my runs in advance. I charged up my phone, limited battery-draining apps, fired up a great playlist of music on Youtube Music, launched my camera app on my Pixel phone, and off I went. Running down side streets, main roads, shopping malls, and executive parks. A systematic Google Maps mission to take storefront photos in my hometown. You would be surprised at how many businesses, even in the USA, that has been open for years and have 0 photos. The storefront photo is a great way to help the business and point people in the right direction.


A screenshot of my Samsung Health app run data from one of my storefront missions in the northern section of Winston-Salem, NC.A screenshot of my Samsung Health app run data from one of my storefront missions in the northern section of Winston-Salem, NC.



The image above is an excellent example of a run that took me less than an hour where I was able to take 125+ photos of storefronts. In the mix of these are large department stores, gas stations, restaurants, banks, pharmacies, car dealerships, and more. Many of these had photos uploaded by the business. But many more had only one screenshot from a street view car and nothing else. It also served as a reminder to write reviews for many of the businesses I had been to, but never written reviews. For the ones I have never visited, I simply posted a new photo that gives a recent view of that business. Once I get home I can then upload all of my items, edit the photos, etc. Below is an example of the finished product along the same route.


 Contributions (both reviews and photos) taht were added to the Map along the route of my run in my hometown of Winston-Salem, NC.Contributions (both reviews and photos) taht were added to the Map along the route of my run in my hometown of Winston-Salem, NC.



Tips & Tricks


If you want to take this same initiative, I recommend you follow some of these tips and tricks to make your life easier:

  • Charge your phone to 100% before each mission
  • Check your battery settings and remove restrictions so your Music/Camera apps don't continually crash
    • This happened on many of my earlier runs and made running for one hour less bearable
  • Pick a good playlist (I prefer instrumental/theatrical tunes or some Indie/Rock)
  • Be safe
    • Wear reflective gear
    • Try and run during the day
    • If you are in an unsafe area, bring a running buddy
    • Stay off of main roads, use crosswalks, follow traffic patterns
    • Avoid taking photos of people
  • If running isn't your thing, try walking and using sidewalks
  • Tell someone where you'll be
  • Enable emergency alerts (Android Personal Safety App)


In Summary


Local Guide @JordanSB running in a pre-COVID race called the Color Run in Winston-Salem, NCLocal Guide @JordanSB running in a pre-COVID race called the Color Run in Winston-Salem, NC


I realize not everyone will be able to do this. You may feel unsafe running or walking alone. Your city may have an unsuitable infrastructure. There were many times I was confronted about my presence and why I was taking photos, and this was uncomfortable. I used my best judgment and tried educating people and business owners through this process. No matter what your situation is, I want you to know that even a pandemic should not be a roadblock to adding to the Map. This year has shown me so many unique ways people are contributing, adapting their content, and sharing their passion when their normal routines go up in flames. 


My goal is that by the end of 2021 I will have taken photos of over 90% of my hometown's businesses, parks, attractions, etc. 


I would love to see if any other Local Guides have done something like this? What new routines or contributions have you made this year that is different than before COVID?

#TeamUSA USA | My Contributions | Instagram | @Mention me so I see your reply
Winston-Salem, NC, USA
Level 6

Re: Keep Moving In A Pandemic: Using Exercise To Add Storefronts To The Map

This is a quite nice presentation, dear @JordanSB 

It is good to take time and share good things. Wow!

Level 9

Re: Keep Moving In A Pandemic: Using Exercise To Add Storefronts To The Map

@JordanSB this is a good idea. I'll copy it but, instead walking or running, I will ask to my husband if he can drive while I take storefronts photos of the places wich don't have one.

Beatriz Aguilar | bandera-de-venezuela-imagen-animada-0001| Instagram
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Re: Keep Moving In A Pandemic: Using Exercise To Add Storefronts To The Map

This is really amazing way to keep fit and contribute @JordanSB 

I made a habit of contributing to places while I go out for groceries as we had total restrictions of movement once the restaurant were open for delivery and take away o started taking store front and reponed them.

Also made a list of places for take away and delivery.

Now that we are not in lockdown I am back to my regular contributions. 

Level 10

Re: Keep Moving In A Pandemic: Using Exercise To Add Storefronts To The Map

@JordanSB Great Idea. I also started doing something very similar during lockdown and continuing to do so. Interesting thing is, this is  giving me opportunity to make edits, since many businesses have closed down or changed during this period. Posted this as  part of community challenge
