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Level 9

Photo Views per Picture? What's the timeframe?

Hello again everyone, 


I've read plenty of threads that talk about views/photo as a way to supposedly measure one's photo's quality, and possibly useful longevity. But, what's the average age of all these photos I'm supposed to be comparing to? My OLDEST photo was taken on April 2 this year, and the bulk were taken after June 2. How am I to consider making a comparison when most of my photos are less than 2 months old? The comparable metric should be X Views/Photo PER MONTH. That's something I could compare to. Otherwise, I'll need to wait a few years before the views/photo comparison holds any water. 


Also, I strive to find placement errors in Map Pins and submit new businesses. To tackle this, I've been shooting entire strip malls in a methodical manner, including small mom and pop shops like Barbers, Nail Salons, Chiropractors, Dental Offices, Smoke Shops, all of which generate very little traffic. Of the 5,418 businesses I've photographed hundreds of them are of the type just mentioned. Photos of those business have statistically had the highest percentage of issues, and may benefit the most by my edits and submissions, as well as confirming what the store front looks like when pins may NOT be verified (out of my control). I DO delete 2/3 of the photos that I submit, since I wait until Google's AI figures out which of my photos are the winners, but always leave one photo per business, so viewers continue to see what the building looked like most recently. 


For those of you that are using the Views/Pic method, are you deleting those photos that may make a big difference to that business, so as to raise your views/pic ratio? If so, how old are the photos when the 'weeding process begins'?


Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this topic. Just a 'math guy' who needs to understand the numbers a little better. I'm sure if @AdamGT doesn't know, he'll know who to ask. - SHunsader

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Re: Photo Views per Picture? What's the timeframe?

Hi @shunsader 


Great and legit questions. I don't see any misunderstandings in what you wrote. And the fact that the number of photo views grow with time is what it is.


@AdamGT resently introduced a new set of leaderboards to address exactly this. He started reporting the number of new views added in just the past month. 


This is for practical reasons limited to the star photos as far as I recall.


Take a look here:


This metric is only available when we have reported data in two consecutive months. (so I need to remember to update my leaderboard data later today 😘).


You also asked when we should delete low performing images. 


I understand your question, and I think the concept of letting the photo selection AI help you decide which photo to keep and which to delete is the ultimate way to do it.


But it is in my opinion also overdoing it. Photos not selected by the AI can be super helpful and reveal details of huge relevance to some Maps users. 


So by gaming the system to keep your metric views/pic high might not always be what is most helpful to Maps users.


Keep in mind that Google Maps uses the AI or order all photos. So users will need to scroll down to find the details they are looking for. And by deleting a lot or most of your photos will rob people in wheelchairs a chance to scroll down and find info on bumps at tre entrance (just an example). If they want to scroll down, please let them.


So I don't have an answer except that it could be worth discussing further if we are sharing photos to gratify our self-interest in climbing the leaderboards or be as helpful to Maps users as possible.




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Re: Photo Views per Picture? What's the timeframe?



One other related and new metric is the green number shown on our contribution front page in the app.  It shows how many new views we got in the past 7 days. 



You could suggest to @AdamGT that this metric is also recorded for the Leaderboards. But it sure has the disadvantage that LGs will a lot of older photos will also get more views per week than younger LGs.


But this green number divided by your number of photos might be what you are looking for. 


@AdamGT I am aware that the green number is not available on desktops 😘




Level 8

Re: Photo Views per Picture? What's the timeframe?

Thanks for pointing up the green number @MortenCopenhagen. I've seen it occasionally but never knew what it was. Is there any literature on this feature, and how do we know it relates to the last 7 days?  



Level 9

Re: Photo Views per Picture? What's the timeframe?

@shunsader, thank you for raising this question in the forum. I agree with @MortenCopenhagen that there needs to be a balance between managing ones av views /Photo and making Maps as helpful as possible.

Some of it depends on what photos you are submitting. If you are submitting two or three different storefront views, I think it makes perfect sense then to later remove the ones that are not getting many views.

Or if you see that there are many other similar photographs besides yours. The second factor to consider is how large the business is and how many existing photographs there are. With a large business with lots of photographs, if your photographs are not contributing anything new or anything in a better way, I think it's okay to delete them. However with small or especially new businesses I think it's important to leave them so that even if they are a small help they're still there. @Mikeinthefalls has posted on this subject. I have been going back to the oldest of my six years of photos and have not hesitated to remove them when they have very few views (I had hundreds with < 100 views) and there is no compelling reason to leave them. 

I think the one metric that would be most useful, but virtually impossible to calculate, is how one's photos are doing compared to the other top photos for that location. Both @tony_b  and I have tried doing this on a limited scale but it is extremely tedious. 

Alfred New
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Re: Photo Views per Picture? What's the timeframe?



You can count the dots if posting photos daily and the recounts are not too delayed. 


I don't recall any announcements on this. Sorry. 




Level 9

Re: Photo Views per Picture? What's the timeframe?

@MortenCopenhagen ,


Thanks for your insight. Always helpful. Yes, I've probably overdone it in regards to deleting photos, probably because it gets more and more difficult to delete photos after a few thousand have been added in a short period of time.


Can you elaborate on what a 'recount' is?


I have yet to come up with some type of system/method/value for choosing when to cut and when to keep. Some restaurant and big box stores can yield upwards of 15,000 views per day, while most that are in the #1 spot are in the 2,500 to 8,000 views/day range. If the ones of the same building yield 20-30 views/day, should I cut those? How about 200+? Sometimes photos don't make it into the $1 spot, and a few of them track the same 100-200 per day for 2 of them, and only 20 vpd on the others.


What say the rest of you? What's your formula on deleting, and how long do you wait before deleting? @Rednewt74 , I've already heard from you, and as always, greatly appreciate your feedback.



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Re: Photo Views per Picture? What's the timeframe?



The sum of photo and total views are updated only once or twice per week. So sometimes you will see that the green section or the last bit is flat (no increase). This is because Google has wisely chosen not to spend a ton of computer ressources as this is not time critical as navigation is.


Together with Ermes I explained this in details here:




Level 9

Re: Photo Views per Picture? What's the timeframe?




Lately I have been noticing that individual photo view counts are updating frequently (several times a day), even though the total View count has not changed. Eventually that number updates to the new correct total. Has anyone else noticed this?

Alfred New
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Re: Photo Views per Picture? What's the timeframe?



It has been like that for a long time now. The individual photo views are updated almost in real time. 


