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Level 10

Piz Gloria 007 Tourist Attraction

Cover photo created by LG @jayasimha78 using photos shot at Piz Gloria.


On my recent trip to Switzerland, I had the opportunity to visit Piz Gloria. Piz Gloria is a famous tourist destination, known for its stunning alpine views and its association with the James Bond film "On Her Majesty's Secret Service.". It was a fantastic experience visiting this place and relive one of the early Bond Movies On Her Majesty's Secret Service.


The Journey itself was mesmerizing. We were staying new Zurich, a Train Journey from Zurich to Iterlaken, then another Train to Lauterbrunnen. Then we took a bus to Stechelberg. Picture below shows where we got off from the bus.

From the bus station to reach Piz gloria, we had to take four different Aerial Tram ways. Journey was really spectacular as we started gaining height we progressed our journey.


Here is a shot from one of the Aerial Tram way.


We were able to see some snow on the peaks. We visited in late fall, so snow was on only peaks. We were able to see some falls colors on the way.


Here is a shot of fall colors from Aerial Tram way.



Piz Gloria is located on the Schilthorn mountain in the Bernese Alps of Switzerland. It's part of the Jungfrau region and offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding peaks, including the Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau. Above is a shot from the observation deck. At the peak there was lot of fog and visibility was poor and also it was drizzling.


Here is a shot of me with my cousin and my wife on the observation deck. Piz Gloria gained worldwide fame when it was featured in the James Bond film "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" in 1969. We explored James Bond museum at Piz Gloria, showcasing memorabilia from the movie.


Here is a shot inside Piz Gloria. There is also a gift shop here.


Another main attraction at Piz Gloria is its revolving restaurant. You can enjoy a meal while the restaurant slowly turns, providing you with a 360-degree view of the surrounding mountains. The restaurant serves Swiss and international cuisine.


Here are few shots of James Bond Museum. Here is a helicopter simulator


Here is a shot of famous Bond Villain


Here is another picture inside the Museum.

Here is another exhibit in the Museum.

Another must visit attraction here is 'Thrill Walk'.


As explained in the Thrill Walk website: "The steel structure clings to the rock before swerving under the observation deck and cableway to end below the cable car station. Features including a crawl-through tunnel, glass-bottomed floor, rope and cattle grid lend an additional frisson of thrill to this spine-tingling adventure."


It can be challenging to walk on this if you have fear of heights, specially where there is glass bottom. As the name suggests, it is really a Thrill walk.

Here are couple of shots of Thrill walk and the landscape.


Here is a shot of restaurant from outside.

Piz Gloria is a remarkable destination for anyone who appreciates the natural beauty of the Swiss Alps and has an interest in the James Bond franchise. It's a unique experience that combines stunning scenery with cinematic history.


Interlaken, Switzerland
Level 8

Re: Piz Gloria 007 Tourist Attraction

What a Funtastic trip & wonderful post dear guiding star @jayasimha78 post like a Bond " my name is bond James bond" ...... Hahaha 🙏😄



Level 10

Re: Piz Gloria 007 Tourist Attraction

Level 10

Re: Piz Gloria 007 Tourist Attraction


Amazing photos! I love James Bond movies, and I could hear the movie theme song playing while I read your article. The tram with the fall colors was breath taking and I could imagine James Bond scaling the ropes there. 

You always have some of the best travel articles here;; always fun to read. 💖

Level 10

Re: Piz Gloria 007 Tourist Attraction

@AZ_2021 Thank You! I am glad you had fun reading the post. Appreciate it.

Level 9

Re: Piz Gloria 007 Tourist Attraction

@jayasimha78 What a spectacular journey you've had to Piz Gloria! It sounds like the perfect blend of natural beauty and cinematic nostalgia. The way you described the journey from Zurich, through the scenic train rides and aerial tramways, really painted a vivid picture of the adventure.

Mohamed Ahmed (Mo-TravelleerX)
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Level 10

Re: Piz Gloria 007 Tourist Attraction

@Mo-TravelleerX Thank You!. You are right, it is not only the destination, the journey as well was spectacular.

Level 10

Re: Piz Gloria 007 Tourist Attraction

Thank you, @jayasimha78  for sharing your visit to Piz Gloria with those nice photos, and how to reach the spot. Your post is impressive and made me feel like I was there with you and enjoying the theme music of the James Bond movie. I always enjoy your posts.

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Level 10

Re: Piz Gloria 007 Tourist Attraction

Level 9

Re: Piz Gloria 007 Tourist Attraction

BRAVO @jayasimha78 🏔🥇...



@Perko 😀...