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Level 9

[Recap] Whistler 360 adventure tour

Local Guide @kasunaaa meeting with a bear during a hikeLocal Guide @kasunaaa meeting with a bear during a hike


It's summertime in Vancouver and it was time to hit the road and do some adventure. I wanted to do some hiking and explore Canada. I selected the Whistler area since it has great options for me to engage with. I posted an event "Whistler 360 adventure tour" on 25th July and booked a tour with West Trek Tours. 


First I encourage you to watch my short recap video to see how I enjoyed my day.


Whistler is a popular destination all year round with countless sightseeing and activity opportunities. The greatest season to visit Whistler for adventure is from April through October. This time, I wanted to go trekking and see some places that people frequent but are less well-known to tourists. To take advantage of the magnificent stops along the Sea-to-Sky expressway, I chose to go by tour bus. Additionally, I could take a tour of Whistler Village after I arrived in Whistler.




Also, I had the option of joining a walk to explore Lost Lake or enrolling up for an extra activity like bungee jumping with Whistler Bungee or zip trekking with Zip Trek Eco Tours. The Whistler Gondola and Peak 2 Peak, where anyone can enjoy breath-taking scenery, superb hiking paths, and a new suspension bridge, are other fantastic activities for the less adventurous. There are so many options, that is why I chose Whistler as my first summer weekend getaway.




I charged my devices and all equipment that I need before joining the trip. I went to Canada Place to get the bus in the morning. It was very nice meeting a fantastic local guide, Camilia, a Canadian Local guide level 7. Along the way to the destination, I got briefed about the Whistler village and area. Sea-to-Sky highway itself is scenic. Our first stop was the Shannon Falls at Squamish which was my first waterfall hunt in Canada. Then we arrived at Whistler village. After a short tour around Whistler village, I decided to go find the Lost Lake. It was about one hour hike through the nature trek from the Whistler Village. 



Surprisingly I was lucky enough to meet a bear on my first hike in Canada. Hiking through nature after a long time was refreshing. I had some quality time spending time at the beach of Lost Lake. It was blessed with sunny clear weather with clear and spectacular views of glazier mountains from the lake. I sketched the landscape to add to my collection and I did not forget to capture some 360 footage to add to Google Map as always I do.


I missed my LG partner @ravindus a lot. If you were here I know that you would join me for this adventure. 


Here is the shared photo album of the event.

Kasun Silva                              

Guiding Star 2021   | Underwater mapping | Street View mapping
Whistler, BC, Canada
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Re: [Recap] Whistler 360 adventure tour


Hey @kasunaaa 


I enjoyed reading your post. Is that a mamma bear or baby bear? Just asking because it reminded me of the time I came across a couple of bears when hiking in the wild. Well in my case it was a couple of young adolescents and I knew well that mamma bear would be around somewhere and perhaps not so happy to see me so I disappeared from the scene.

Leaderboards of Top 100 Local Guides from over 100 different countries!!!
Level 9

Re: [Recap] Whistler 360 adventure tour

@AdamGT I'm glad that you enjoyed reading the recap. I don't know what type of bear is it. I believe that she is young but not too young to be with her mom. It was roaming around alone. looked like medium size one. If mama bear with kids I would not be able to capture them. 

Kasun Silva                              

Guiding Star 2021   | Underwater mapping | Street View mapping
Level 8

Re: [Recap] Whistler 360 adventure tour

Lucky to see a bear @kasunaaa 

Oh my God, I would hve run away from the spot.  Anyways you might be bold and courageous. You can achieve more and be adventurous.  Keep this wonderful spirit going.  Looking forward for more hiking. Thanks for your beautiful post. 

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. Happy Guiding.

Level 8

Re: [Recap] Whistler 360 adventure tour

Wonderful post @kasunaaa . Seems you had a wonderful time. Is that Greasly Bear ? I remember we met a Sri Lankan bear in Yala National Park.

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Re: [Recap] Whistler 360 adventure tour

I also miss your great partner @ravindus in your photos @kasunaaa, I wish I can see him there too with you when you both explore and make some adventures together in Canada.

I love to see your post after a break and see that My friend's passion for Local Guides activities is  growing more even though you are so much busy with your professional life there.  

Thanks for sharing.

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