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Level 9

The Parlor Pizzeria - Best Pizza

Hi LG's,


I tried pizzas from "The Parlor Pizzeria" for the first time and i must say it is one of the best pizzas i have had recently. I used to like a place called Pizzeria Bianco in Phoenix downtown (this is one of the top 10 pizza place in the USA) but in my opinion The Parlor Pizzeria has best pizza flavors. @AZ_2021  and @JustJake if you have had food here tell me which was your favorite pizza and if not i highly recommend you to try "The Parlor Pizzeria" and try Spicy Florentine, summer corn and funghi pizzas. You will not be disappointed i guarantee 😀.


Spicy Florentine Pizza


PXL_20240412_020150717 (1).jpg


Summer Corn Pizza


PXL_20240412_020157610 (2).jpg


Funghi Pizza




These pizzas were amazing.


Thank you for reading my post.

Anitha M

Anitha Muthu
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Level 9

Betreff: The Parlor Pizzeria - Best Pizza


Ja man wird so manches Mal überrascht von der Qualität der Speisen.



Diese habe ich letztens bekommen und ich war über die Qualität begeistert 

Level 9

Betreff: The Parlor Pizzeria - Best Pizza

@Annaelisa that pizza does look good.

Anitha Muthu
Level 10

Re: The Parlor Pizzeria - Best Pizza

Wow wonderful share @AnithaM! Those look amazing. 💖

The pictures make my mouth water. The vegetable toppings look so fresh, and the cheese looks nice and bubbly, and the crust so crispy. Yum yum! 🤤

Level 10

Re: The Parlor Pizzeria - Best Pizza

Oh man, those are some great looking pizzas @AnithaM. I could go for a Summer Corn right now. 


You're doing for Valley Restaurants here what @AZ_2021 did for Valley hiking spots. Keep these coming!

JustJake TRAC Badge
Level 9

Re: The Parlor Pizzeria - Best Pizza

Hi @JustJake not only they are great looking but tastes so good. I personally feel it is better than the Pizzeria Bianco (which is in top 10 in the USA). You should try the pizzas here at The Parlor Pizzeria. 


I just went on my first hike. Will put a post soon, unlike @AZ_2021 she has done so many hikes, she is an expert. I am just at the beginner level. WIll put a post with pics soon.

Anitha Muthu
Level 8

Re: The Parlor Pizzeria - Best Pizza

@AnithaM has probado la pizza de ananá y de anchoas? Es rico, pero me gusta más la pizza a la napolitana.saludos

Level 9

Re: The Parlor Pizzeria - Best Pizza

Hi @Maximilianozalazar no never tried that combo of pineapple and anchovies. I will definitely try when i come across this in a menu. 

Anitha Muthu
Level 10

Re: The Parlor Pizzeria - Best Pizza

You are too kind @AnithaM. I haven't really done much hiking lately with my chaotic schedule so you may soon surpass me as hiking champ. 😉 I look forward to your hiking posts.

I agree with @JustJake- well said, and I agree- I love how you are bringing awareness to restaurants in the valley. 💖