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Level 8

Your LG contributions as never seen before

I thought I would take @AdamGT 's labour of love, top100localguides for a testdrive and it turned out to be quite the immersive experience sampling all the different ways in which my LG contributions data was served up in a visually pleasing graph format. Here's just a sample of what was served up..


That's the distribution of my points across various types of contributions


My points history graph..


The flip side of adding average views per photo are on a downward slope but, then I'm also aiming for the Master photographer on Maps, so it's all good. Anyway, there's plenty more where these graphs came from with @AdamGT promising plenty of new features in the coming days. The latest has been the startracking feature where you can put in your most viewed photos and the database spits out graphs showing everything from average daily views per photo to a prediction of hoyw many views it would have garnered by this time next year...Fascinating stuff. There's also a BigData feature on the way which promises to slice and dice the data even more, if that's possible

The way to get through the various levels in top100localguides is well explained in the online help section which also contain a wealth of info and links to further details on the Connect site. Kudos to @AdamGT for writing out all this info in such elaborate detail(in addition to all the work that gone into creating the database and providing us with stats we would never have got to know otherwise)  and I feel the more LGs get on board and provide feedback, comments and suggestions, the better it will get. 



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Re: Your LG contributions as never seen before


Very impressive @Ses_ame, you have shown yourself here to be an early mover with these features and show here in your post different aspects of the graphical representation of your historical data.


You have explained the sudden dip in the Average Views/Photo chart (your third chart) as being tied to your quest to obtain the Master photographer badge however from your second graph of points history it looks like things were pretty steady as she goes between November/December 2021 and early August 2022 but then there is a sudden upswing in points after that. Is this an error, perhaps a system or data entry error, or is there some other explanation for this?

Leaderboards of Top 100 Local Guides from over 100 different countries!!!
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Re: Your LG contributions as never seen before

Wonderful things are happening 😊

Please mention me with @LudwigGermany on your reply, so I get notified

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Re: Your LG contributions as never seen before

Hehe, @Ses_ame , tracking the contributions can be in several ways interesting, so several months ago I've created my own chart too.

Even if I do not keep historical data (I am not interested in this) what I want to see is if I can improve the quality of the contributions

For this reason I've built a way to see the Number of photos per place (Ideally less than 5); The reviews helpfulness (Long Reviews Vs Short Reviews - Ideally more than 65% of Long reviews); The View average (Ideally more than 10,000 views per photo) and the ratio between reviews and Rating.



Level 8

Re: Your LG contributions as never seen before

Amazing, I will also make a chart for my contribution too. I'm agree with you that @AdamGT  work is very unique and inspiring. thanks for sharing your charts with u@Ses_ame  and @ErmesT . Have a nice day to you all 😊.


Level 8

Re: Your LG contributions as never seen before

@ErmesT that's a great dashboard you have there..shows there are so many ways of slicing and dicing the data to improve one's contributions. Have you seen an improvement since u started tracking the data? I think a lot of photo views are out of our hands and depends on photo placement by Maps. Sometimes, the photos don't even show up immediately after upload but later 🤔

Level 8

Re: Your LG contributions as never seen before

@AdamGT I'll know for sure whether it's an anomaly in my data entry once I input the dta for this month. I think the main reason is that I got out of self-imposed isolation after two years and did some moving around, also using the opportunity to take snaps and add places. Adding places is a difficult task in Delhi since Maps has made it very difficult in order to restrict spamming. So, invariable, even something as simple as moving a map marker to the right place evokes the following response even, though, as in this case, I have not touched the phone number but just moved the marker:


Axis Bank ATM - Google Maps

Even the photos I have added are yet to show up and all u see is spam photos by the owner🤦‍♂️

My sudden spurt of activity came at a cost, since I caught covid with a few weeks of unlocking my shackles..that also explains why my recent contributions have been of hospital exteriors and interiors 🤣

Connect Moderator

Re: Your LG contributions as never seen before


The Location edit not being Applied is certainly unusual given that the reason given for the Not Applied is that Google isn't accepting edits to this location's phone number!


Regarding photos not showing up yet, while I don't know when you added these, please note my recent advice given here to @SergeySud about this.


Haha thank your for explaining your recent interest in hospitals and hopefully you no longer have a need nor desire to focus on these 😂 🤣

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Re: Your LG contributions as never seen before

Thanks for asking, @Ses_ame 

Yes, I've indeed seen an improvement, especially in Photo Views. In general I think I can say that the number of views of the images is inversely proportional to the number of photos uploaded for each place.
Obviously relevance and image quality are fundamental for good image positioning, but uploading too many photos for a single location inevitably reduces the average of the views.
So I'm trying to lower the average of the images per location, trying to reach an average below 4. This should lead, even if I often contribute in small villages, to bring the average views to a value above 10 thousand.

Level 10

Re: Your LG contributions as never seen before

@ErmesT should like a good advice to keep photo "usefulness" vs. "spamminess".
Quick question: When you say 10k views is that over a period of time? (like a year?)
Are you clearing older uploads if they are not tracking towards the target (like less than 800 views/month)?
Is there any easy way to do it? Or one by one?