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Guiding Stars

Potaro I.

Potaro I.

Level 10 • Akaiwa, Japan

Potaro's love for photography is clear for anyone who's traveling around Japan in person or on Google Maps, as the chances you've seen one of his 70,000 photos added to Maps are pretty high. Potaro truly believes a picture is worth a thousand words, preferring to show what he has experienced.

When asked why he's an avid photographer, Potaro shared "It's fun to express the beautiful scenery I've seen so that others can see it, [too]"adding, "When I introduce tourist spots, hiking trails, and popular spots, I focus on [the] infrastructures such as toilets, coin lockers, and vending machines."

Focusing on 360° photography, Potaro has become well-known on Connect for sharing photography tips that range from how to use THETA Z1 for nighttime photography, creating photospheres, and more, helping others to tell their stories with photos, too.

Want to learn more about this incredible Local Guide? Check out his contributions on Google Maps and follow his profile on Connect.