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Guiding Stars

April H.

April H.

Level 8 • New Orleans, USA

Originally from Atlanta, April is now a New Orleans based Local Guide on a mission to increase public awareness and access to places with cultural and historical significance. They have been making a difference in both places, on Google Maps and beyond.

They create lists (like this one of African American landmarks in Louisiana), add places, and review Black history monuments and related locations in an effort to preserve Black history on Google Maps.

"Contributing as a Local Guide began as a fun hobby for me, a way to share my food and nature photography while also adding helpful information to the Map," they said. "It was a fun challenge to earn badges, and it was nice to be part of a global community with similar interests. The more I contributed, however, the more I realized just how important this work is."

Beyond her contributions making the map more inclusive, she's also passionate about making it more accessible. "I think the focus on accessibility is really important. Half the world's population has a disability, but it's often society (the walls we build up and the rules we impose) that is truly disabling."

Want to learn more about this incredible Local Guide? Check out her contributions on Google Maps and follow their profile on Connect.