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Guiding Stars

Alexandre S.

Alexandre S.

Level 7 • Lleida, Spain

Alexandre has shown great love for their city Lleida, and decided to become a Local Guide after discovering that there were barely any drinking water fountains marked on Google Maps. Over time, Alexandre was able to add and review 40+ drinking fountains on Maps to make Google Maps a more detailed and valuable tool to others.

What is your favorite place, experience, photo or video you contributed to Google Maps this year?
One of my favorite contributions to Google Maps was a short panoramic video I recorded at dusk from the La Suda castle in Lleida (one of the highest points in the city). There was an impressive ascending cloud on the horizon I had spotted while I was walking in the street, and caught my attention. I asked a taxi to take me to the castle, to be able to see (and capture) it in all its beauty.

What advice do you have for other Local Guides?
All contributions help, but try to find one or more topics that really interest and motivate you and focus on these, regardless of what others are doing. This will help make your contributions more original, of higher quality and more valuable to others. And maybe as important, they will be more enjoyable and meaningful to yourself.

What do you like most about the Local Guides community?
I like the fact that we all seem to be rowing in the same direction: making Google Maps a more thorough, more helpful and more enriching tool, and the fact that we can share this exciting pursuit with each other and with the world.

What makes a place or experience worth rating/reviewing?
To me a place or experience is worth rating and reviewing if I perceive there's something definitely positive, valuable or interesting about it, even if it also has areas, as is often the case, that may need some improvement. So I personally don't like to rate and review whatever comes my way, I prefer to be somewhat selective according to my own interests.

What is your favorite feature of Google Maps?
There are many features I like, but I particularly enjoy lists (consulting and creating them).

Want to learn more about this incredible Local Guide? Check out their contributions on Google Maps and follow them on Connect.