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Guiding Stars

Rosy K.

Rosy K.

Level 7 • Andheri, India

Rosy is a true supporter of her community and an exemplary Local Guide, thanks to her focus on accessibility and her desire to champion local businesses.

"I became a Local Guide to help people using Google every day," she told us. "Whenever I contribute on Google Maps, I feel happy when my post is viewed because it means the Google user gets benefits and it saves their time. Time is precious."

This year, she has gone above and beyond by not only updating information on the Map, but by directly contacting small local businesses in order to discover the most up-to-date information about their current procedures and accessibility details. She asked these businesses how accessible they are and also gave them ideas about how they could improve to make their spaces more accessible. She finds great joy in helping others around her, and it's clear from her accessibility-info-packed reviews how much effort she puts into them.

Want to learn more about this incredible Local Guide? Check out their contributions on Google Maps and follow their profile on Connect.