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Guiding Stars

Mohammed Sagir A.

Mohammed Sagir A.

Level 10 • Lagos, Nigeria

Sagir has been a longtime advocate of bringing accessibility information to Google Maps. "In my view, Local Guides should keep in mind that any contribution made on Maps is aimed at helping the community. Quality and facts should be the basis for contributions," he said.

Aside from his important contributions in the realm of accessibility, Sagir has hosted 31 meet-ups and truly works to keep his community connected. Past meet-ups he's hosted include topics such as accessibility tips, beach cleanups, and donating blood (to raise awareness on World Blood Donation Day). He is also the creator of the World Wide Hospital Edit Walk, which started in 2018 and has continued through 2020.

"There is no way I will say my life did not change," he said about 2020. "This did not just change our way of life but also the way we contribute to Maps. Change is always inevitable. Because of the 'new normal' I am more cautious than ever before and I am ready to adapt to any change that I may come across in 2020 and beyond."

Sagir continues to inspire those in his community and around the world through his dedication to making a difference.

Want to learn more about this incredible Local Guide? Check out their contributions on Google Maps and follow their profile on Connect.