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Guiding Stars

Nyai N.

Nyai N.

Level 10 • Sukabumi, Indonesia

Nyai inspires those in her community and others around the world through her positive outlook and her commitment to making the world a better place. On Google Maps, she is always mindful of providing helpful information that is meaningful to her, like places that have a prayer room or are accessible, and safety precautions businesses are taking due to COVID-19. "Due to the pandemic in 2020, I've been updating Google Maps from home. I've been supporting small businesses near me. Most importantly, safety is the priority."

In addition to her passion for keeping others safe, she is also a champion of inclusivity and women's empowerment. She regularly shares inspiring stories like this Connect post detailing her journey as Hijab Rider and the story of when she taught a man how to ride a motorcycle.

"I like that Local Guides can share our voice on Google Maps, no matter what our background, education or gender is," she told us. "I enjoy being part of this community [because] together we make [the world] better."

Want to learn more about this incredible Local Guide? Check out their contributions on Google Maps and follow their profile on Connect.