Celebrating 10 Years of Local Guides mapping the world, together

It’s hard to believe it has been 10 years since the Local Guides program started.
This milestone is a testament to the amazing community that has grown and flourished, thanks to each one of you. Together, you’ve put new places on the map, sharing hidden gems and neighborhood favorites that help Google Maps’ 2B users explore their world with confidence.

As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Local Guides, we’re also celebrating the 20th anniversary of Google Maps, which twenty years ago started to give people a whole new way to get where they need to go.

Today, we thought it would be fun to kick things off by highlighting just a few of the memorable milestones and accomplishments from all of you, which we’ve experienced together over the last 10 years!

:tada: 2015:

  • The Local Guides program officially launches.

:tada: 2016:

  • Local Guides Connect launches, giving the global community an online destination to come together, connect, share their experiences and learn from each other.

  • The first in-person Local Guides Summit (#LGSummit16) is held in California with 75 Local Guides from all around the world.

:tada: 2017:

:tada: 2018:

  • The first Euro Meet-up, organized by @TorM, is held in Poland. Since then, Local Guides from 5 continents have come together from around the world to meet in Belgium (2019), Germany (2023), and the U.K. (2024).

  • @ErmesT starts the Local Guides Clean The World project. With over 115 clean-up events, the community has taken action to fight plastic pollution. We hear the series is making a comeback!

  • The first global Connect Live event takes place in California, welcoming 151 Local Guides from 59 countries for 3 days of fun, connection and learning!

:tada: 2019:

:tada: 2020:

  • @Denise_Barlock and @Kwiksatik start the #StateChallenge, showcasing each U.S. state with the help of other Local Guides. This became the longest running virtual meet-up series, eventually extending to other countries like India, Kenya and Canada as the #WorldChallenge.

  • @AdamGT brings some friendly competition to Connect, creating the first Leaderboards. Today, there are more than 200 posts and thousands of Local Guides registered from 100+ countries. Check out the latest edition, celebrating 2024’s top 100.

  • Accessibility Champions @JaneBurunina and @KashifMisidia organize a series of virtual meet-ups to discuss accessibility contributions and empower others to host accessibility events!

  • @AdrianLunsong and 22 of our awesome moderators hosted Community Live, a two-day virtual event including 15 sessions in 5 languages, covering topics like accessibility, contributions, photography, and supporting small businesses.

:tada: 2020 - 2022:

:tada: 2023:

  • Initiated by @SholaIB, the TRAC (Thousand Roads Added Campaign) campaign has mobilized more than 30 Local Guides who added an incredible 212,000+ roads to Google Maps in just 12 months!

:tada: 2024:

  • More than 200 Local Guides from Bangladesh come together to celebrate their 10th year of sharing on Google Maps.

  • Local Guide @Rahul001 starts a series of more than 50 “Celebrate…with me” posts highlighting how to contribute on Google Maps in creative ways during national and international holidays and celebrations.

  • The Connect forum celebrates 8 years of community and friendship by re-launching with a brand new look and feel.

And that’s just a few of the highlights. Some truly incredible accomplishments from an incredible group of people.
Local Guides, what are some of your most memorable community moments? And what are you looking forward to for 2025?
We’ll be commemorating this anniversary here on Connect throughout the year, so be sure to check back in often!


Wow, 10 years of Local Guides and 20 years of Google Maps! That’s incredible. @TiffanyBnyc It’s been amazing to be part of this community, sharing my local knowledge and helping others explore.
Here is one of my most memorable moments.

Looking forward to seeing what adventures 2025 brings for the program and how we can continue to make Google Maps even better!


Thank you, @TiffanyBnyc, for sharing the timeline of the Local Guides Program. Your informative and inspiring post encourages us to contribute creatively to the platform. I have posted my memorable community moments here.


It’s an amazing journey so far for Google Maps, Local Guides and for Local Guides Community. With plenty of various events and activities it becomes more interesting and exciting for everyone here to participant contribute.

These events and activities across the globe are truly the testament to the amazing community.

Thank you so much @TiffanyBnyc for such a wonderful concise snippets.


And what an amazing journey it’s been @TiffanyBnyc and watching the community grow and flourish has truly been exciting. Thank you for highlighting some of the memorable milestones and accomplishments Tiffany. Hats off to the early pace setters @PaulPavlinovich, @ErmesT, @EmekaUlor, @JanVanHaver et al who gave inspiration to think global. Thank you for mentioning the Leaderboards as one of the highlights and a BIG congratulations to the Local Guides Team for managing this extraordinary community.

Caption: GIF of the Top 100 Local Guides Leaderboards System logo


Thank you @TiffanyBnyc for giving us the journey from 2015 and also thanks for mentioning me and “Celebrate with me” posts. For 2025, I think I am more looking to interactive session between local guides such as more meetups or celebrating a day.


Congrats @AdamGT sir & all Modretor :handshake:


Congratulations and Best Wishes Dear LGs :tada:


So many friends building this community together with de Google Team…!
Happy Anniversary Local Guides, for too many years ahead!
Proud to be part of this community…! :heart::heart::heart:


What could be better than creating such a great connection for the largest number of mobile users in the world(mobile friendly new look )? Thanks & congrats @TiffanyBnyc & Local Guide Team


It has certainly been an incredible journey @TiffanyBnyc and humbling to be a part of a community which is essentially based on selflessness and a care for others through putting our communities on the Map.



:partying_face: Hip Hip Hooray! What an incredible journey we have all been on. I’m so happy I have been a Local Guide for 9 years. I have met and made friends with some of the most incredible and interesting people from all over the world. It has been a true joy.


Congratulations to all who featured here.

There are many such moments for me, @TiffanyBnyc . I will shortlist and mention here after some time. Thanks once again.



So many fun times, and so many memories since I joined! It’s too hard to pick my favorite ones :orange_heart:
I’m looking forward to celebrating this milestone, and our future!


Wohoo… Happy 10th Birthday to the amazing invention, GOOGLE MAPS :partying_face: :tada:
I don’t know how the situation now if we don’t have Google Maps because I rely on you everyday, wherever I go even to the far far away places!

Thank you for highlighting the special moments from the very first @TiffanyBnyc

There were so many colorful and exciting moments for me who have been a Local Guide for 6 years (younger that Local Guides & Google Maps’ age :rofl:)
If I have to choose one for now, I would like to choose Community Live 2020 that was initiated by the brilliant @AdrianLunsong . That was such an amazing virtual event during that time when most of our world were in lockdown, offline meet-up can’t be held that time. It was so meaningful to be able to prepare, execute, and lead the session, including the challenge, such as Community Food Fight Challenge.
It was so much fun!



Wow, Spectacular 10 years of Local guides, I am very glad to be part in given some of initiatives, & adding some more here which also I am participating-
Spam Free Google
Empowering womens
Public toilet mapping on google map
Exploring Historical place in our city
Supports small business
Hospital adding Google map (i m not part of it)
& Many more
Thankyou for sharing
& Expecting many more in future for bond community & engage local guides many more…
& Wishing all initiatives participants in one Larger Google office to celebrate our togetherness
Happy 10 years Anniversary to my all local guides.:tada::balloon::bouquet::partying_face:


Absolutely amazing. thank you for sharing this @TiffanyBnyc , and thank you for the dashboards you create and share @AdamGT , brilliant brilliant work:)


Dear @TiffanyBnyc thanks for sharing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Huge congratulations on 10 years of Local Guides and 20 years of Google Maps! :tada::partying_face::partying_face: What an amazing journey! My most memorable moments include my first Connect post (which led to my first meetup! :blush::raised_hands:t2:), connecting with awesome Local Guides worldwide, being a Guiding Star in 2020 and :wheelchair:Accessibility Champion.

But the best part is knowing I’m making a good impact in the community as a local guides! :sunglasses::raised_hands:t2:

For 2025, I’m excited to be more active on the newly redesigned Connect! Here’s to many more years of mapping together! :clinking_glasses:


thanks for sharing
Some milestone meetups organized by the Bangladesh Local Guide community in the last 10 years

2017 : Throwback South Asia meetup V:1 - First unofficial International Meetup Part -1

First Cross Country Unofficial Meetup



2018: Accessibility camping


2019: 100th Meetup of Bangladesh Local Guides

2019 : [Recap] 186 Local Guides listened “Connect Live 19"s Experience in Dhaka