City counts in reviews not updating

Hi, this is my first topic :smiling_face:

I wanted to see if someone is able to help me solve this problem I am having lately. Around a month ago, something weird is happening in my maps profile. Usually you get this automatic “counts” for the topics of your reviews, based on key words (for example, photography, or hamburger, etc.), appearing right below your profile info in small squares with icons. One of the automatic topic counts is the cities where the places you review are. I live in Madrid and have obviously many reviews from places located in Madrid. Until recently, every time I posted a review of a place in madrid (says so in the place description) I got automatically the “madrid” count increased, even if “madrid” did not show up as a word in the review. Well, now that count is frozen, I have reviewed around 20 places since the last update, reviews are being published (even got several replies and reactions), and any other topic count is being properly updated. Can’t figure out why this is happening and specifically with the city count only. Any ideas?? Someone with the same problem? Thank you very much!

PS: not related with reviews being pending or hidden or taken down, or old reviews being erased. For some reason city counts for me are frozen.


Hi @Trachemysta

It’s a know issue and one kind of bug, it happens many times where the process that updates the total views count on the user’s profile get stuck. Anyway, your the total number of views will be counted and updated correctly once the process resumes automatically. So please wait, the process will resume updating the total views of your images eventually.


Great, happy to hear it’s not just me. I’ll wait for it to be fixed. Many thanks @AbdullahAM!


I fully support the answer given by our dear @AbdullahAM
Hello fellow LG @Trachemysta , if you are happy with the answer provided, kindly accept his post as “Solution”… please.

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Thank you so much both of you @TravellerG and @Trachemysta

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You are most welcome…
Newcomers may not know about these features, hence prompted…
Hope you got your badge in your profile… kindly check

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yes, i got the badge, thank you so much for supporting me continuously @TravellerG

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Happy to hear that…
Congratulations, once again…
Just had another answer where the mail came but badge was not updated…:disappointed:

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Hi @Trachemysta , and sorry for coming so late in this conversation.
I’m happy to see that @AbdullahAM and @TravellerG already responded with useful details, to reassure that there isn’t anything wrong in your account.
Google Maps doesn’t have infinite resources, so they have to works on priorities.
With more than 150 millions of Local Guides, and much more users, they have to carefully manage the resources, giving the highest priority to Navigation. Updating the counters of our contributions, as it is not a critical task, is taking the lowest position.
That’s why sometimes counters are updated twice per day, and sometimes once per week.
However I would not say that this is a bug or a known issue, @AbdullahAM , but simply a way Google is using to optimize resources, and as you said the “total number of views will be counted and updated correctly once the process resumes”. The same happens for the counters of the badges, the points, the edits we made in Google Maps.
All of them are updated together on our profile in the same moment, and for all the contributors.
As far as I know the last update was yesterday, December 10. Way your count of reviews added in Madrid updated?

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Hi @ErmesT, thanks for the update. Unfortunately, no, it is still stuck, already for like a month, and only the “Madrid” count, not the others. I contacted directly google support and this is the message I got (none of their suggestions solved the problem)

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you’re experiencing with the automatic city count updates on your reviews. We understand how important this feature is to you, especially since it has been working well in the past. Let’s work on this together to ensure it gets fixed as soon as possible. There could be a few reasons why your Madrid review count isn’t updating. Here are a few things you can try: 1. Check your privacy settings: Make sure your Contributions are set to public. You can do this by going to your Google Maps profile and checking your settings. 2. Clear your cache and cookies: Sometimes, clearing your browser’s cache and cookies can help with syncing issues. 3. Try reviewing a different place: Review a place in a different city or country to see if the count updates there. If it does, then the issue might be specific to Madrid. We recommend checking a few things on your end, such as making sure your app and device are fully updated, as sometimes minor updates can resolve issues like this.
Please be aware that it can sometimes take time for changes to be reflected in all areas of Google Maps. If you have recently made a review in Madrid, Spain, it may take a few days for the city count to update.

So, I am sure it is quite a bug after all. I did everything they suggested but still nothing. I have sent a message through the app feedback option. If I get and update I’ll let you know.

Thanks for the update, @Trachemysta , I’m sorry about that.
I agree, in this case (counts on reviewed cities) it seems something isn’t working properly.
What support did you contacted? Google Maps help or someone else?
One possibility could be to send a feedback directly from your App in Google Maps. This will not instantly fix the issue, but it will help to open an internal ticket, for the team to check it.
On the meantime, as what you are reporting is not an issue in the counter of the views, I will raise it internally, for the team in Connect to escalate it to the proper team in Google Maps.
I will not have a feedback to share with you, so please keep monitoring it. It would be great if you come to us here when it will be fixed. Be aware that the fix may take time.


Yes, I first contacted google help center, and got the response I pasted above by email. Then, they suggested sending feedback through the app, which I did yesterday. Thanks for escalating this @ErmesT. I will definitely keep an eye on it and post any updates on the status here.

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You are welcome, @Trachemysta . Happy to help

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Well, I bring some good news. Today the madrid count jumped up and some (not all) of the new reviews have been counted, so it seems it is being fixed. Not sure if it was because of the feedback message I sent from the app or just it needed more time (it was around 1 month since I noticed). Anyway, thanks everybody and I hope this thread can help other in the same situation.


Thank you so much for the update, @Trachemysta
I can confirm this, because in my profile the count is increased too.
This is definitely a good news, it doesn’t really matter if it happened because you reported it, or because I escalated it, or simply because Google decided to run the update of the counter.
But I will keep an eye on it to see when the next update will happen.

I want to add a note for @TravellerG : a solution should be given when our answer helps to fix a problem, and we have an evidence that the problem has been fixed, and not just because “we are happy with the answer”.
It seems to be a detail, but it’s not, because others rely on our answer if they have a similar issue.
That’s why I personally never suggest someone to flag an answer as the solution till I don’t have an evidence that the answer is correct, but I am very happy to flag a solution myself when I see that some reply is the right one.
Please don’t take it personally. You are a great mentor in Connect, your words and your actions are guiding others. If misinterpreted, they can end in some embarrassing situation.
Oh, don’t worry, the same happens to me.


Thanks, my dear friend @ErmesT Ji…
I shall keep this in mind…

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You are welcome, @TravellerG
I think you now can clearly see that in this conversation we have a question about the counter of cities in our profile, related to our reviews, and a “solution” that is about the counter of views in our photos, then we have a conversation, and a post, about getting a badge for a solution that is clearly wrong.
This means that @Trachemysta should remove that solution, and in this case @AbdullahAM will see his badge flying away, (should he update his post?).
If not, everyone with the same issue will believe that Views of photos and count of cities in our reviews are updated in the same way, while now all of us know that this is not true.
I believe that enthusiasm is a fundamental component of Connect, but so must be calm and concentration in reading the question carefully before formulating an answer. It happens to me too, many times, to give a wrong answer. The difference is that I never ask for a solution if I am not absolutely certain that my answer is the one that solved the problem.


Hi @ErmesT and @TravellerG, should I then change the post marked as solution? If so, which one is the good one, the first reply from @ErmesT or my own reply? Or should I add a new message summarizing everything? My apologies, I am not familiar with the process of solution marking😅.


Hi @Trachemysta
Honestly what I believe is that at the moment we don’t have a real explanation about how and when that counter is updated.
The only verified info we have right now is that your counter has been updated, so at least we know that your issue has been fixed. Your reply could be the solution, as it has been fixed. Or no solution, because we don’t know the reason of the issue.

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Hi @ErmesT, it seems your reply was unfinished or cut off half way :sweat_smile: