@ErmesT Very nice. This has put a lot of work this product.
Gracias @ErmesT , usted siempre con palabra tan agradables.
un gran saludo para usted y su señora madre.
Grazie @FaridTDF per le belle parole. Mia madre è felice che i suoi fiori vengano visti in tutto il mondo.
Oggi è giorno di compleanno per la mia amica Susy. A casa sua non ho potuto non vedere questi bellissimi Tulipani (con cinque petali) -
e nemmeno questi meravigliosi fiori bianchi
Hi @user_not_found
Welcome to Local Guides Connect, it would be good before adding the contribution that you read these rules. If you have an interesting story from a place where you have a photo, you can share that with us.If you imagine serve to this Introduce -Yourself-March 2017. Using the Forums contains a number of threads which you may find helpful for navigating Connect in general. Good luck.
Hola @user_not_found
, muevo tu post a este hilo general sobre flores, así puedes contarnos más sobre tu flor y agregar otras fotos de ellas. Al jardín que cultivamos aquí
Saludos Farid.
Que colores tan bellos que tiene el tulipán amarillo y rojo, parace el color de nuestro sol en una llamarada solar. @ErmesT , tan arremolinado y vivaz.
Saludos Farid.
wow @user_not_found
, thanks for your contribution in the “five petals” garden, your flowers are very very beautiful.
Can you tell us something more about that? Where did you take the photo?
Grazie @FaridTDF per aver scoperto questo post
ในประเทศไทย ช่วงฤดูร้อน น้ำน้อย และแห้งมากๆ ตามแหล่งน้ำที่เคยมีน้ำมากมายจนน่ากลัว ความร้อนแรงแสงตะวันก็มากขึ้น ลมก็ร้อน อากาศก็อบอ้าวจนระอุไอร้อนผ่าว ทว่า ต้นไม้บางชนิด ทิ้งใบแล้วปริดอกสวยงามตา นาาาร์ !
Hola @Anonymous_d426f76dea9da04ef00d35d8fd86cb41 , voy a mover tu hermosa flor al jardín que estamos cultivando aquí en Connect, para que pueda lucir mejor, junto a toda las otras flores que están compartiendo otros colegas en este hilo.
Saludos Farid.
Grazie @Anonymous_d426f76dea9da04ef00d35d8fd86cb41 per il contributo.
Ed eccola finalmente, la primavera che bussa, presentandosi con il più bel fiore dei nostri prati: la violetta
Estás son algunas de las flores que la municipalidad de Río Grande coloca en lo canteros en la ciudad, ya estamos próximos al comienzo del invierno austral
Time to join the fun.I am not the world’s greatest gardener but my wife loves flowers around the house so everywhere we have lived where we have had a yard or at least courtyards I have planted lots of flowering plants.These photos are all from the couple of places we have lived in southern California.I know the names of a few of them but I just buy plants that I know have pretty colorful flowers.Without flowers,trees,birds & butterflies the world would be not so pretty.
Zed star.
@ErmesT ,
I don’t usually count the number of petals on flowers but I have tried to stick to your rule…to a degree.
Zed star.
Que hermosas flores que nos compartes @Zeds , la que más me gusta es la blanca es una toma muy especial.
Yo te comparto algunas que saque hoy en los jardines públicos de la ciudad, que a pesar de la latitud en un estamos los jardineros munücipales lograron que estas bellezas pudieran crecer aquí, con viento y frío.
Here are a few more flower photos from the gardens of our previous addresses in California.Gardening is a lot of work…flowers in pots and whiskey barrels need lots of care.We have down scaled a bit these days.
Zed star.
That is great to see the beautiful color of flowers in the streets.It brightens people’s moods when they drive past.
Zed star.