Top 100 Google Maps Local Guides Star Videos (November, 2024)

Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  


Each day we’re seeing more and more Local Guides contributing videos on Maps, sharing their experiences so that others can get a much better appreciation and make better informed decisions about visiting the places they enjoy. This post is about such videos and more specifically, it’s about showcasing the “best” videos taken by Connect Local Guides from all over the world. In the absence of a better metric, we use the number of views that a video has gained as a measure of that video’s “quality” and we refer to the video having the most views as being our star video.

The post includes leaderboards for different Local Guide levels and in this way, whether you are a level 10 or a level 5 Local Guide, if you have contributed video on Maps, you can join in to showcase your star. and it’s simple to do. Simply hit this link or leave a message on this post and someone will help you.

So what can you learn from the Star Videos Leaderboards?
By sharing our video contributions and achievements we can learn a lot about how to improve the quality of our videos so that we can achieve even better outcomes in terms of the impact that they have on our communities. We have been doing this successfully with photos over many years and so we can do the same with videos so join in and let’s see if together we can learn what type of videos work “best” on Maps.

If you’re new here then you may not be aware that this post forms part of a series of leaderboard posts each covering different aspects of the Maps contributions made by Local Guides. To see an index to these different leaderboard posts and all posts associated with them, simply hit this link.


Readme - How to Read the Star Video leaderboards (November 2024)

Briefly, this is what you need to know about the leaderboards in this post. For more details see the leaderboard documentation and the Leaderboard System’s online context-sensitive help information.

  1. The leaderboards in this post present details about the star videos of participating Local Guides from all over the world. If you have contributed videos on Maps then you will have a star video, it’s your video that has the most views and we call this, the star video.
    * As well as an overall leaderboard, you will see leaderboards for different Local Guide levels which provide you with direct comparisons of your star video’s performance with that of your peers. Finally, there’s a leaderboard ranking the top 100 star videos by average star views per day which gives an indication on how good your star video is. To be included in this leaderboard, you must have updated your star video’s views in the period since the date of the last average star views per day leaderboard as posted here on Connect last month.
  2. The average star views per day is calculated by dividing the star views by the life of the star video expressed in days. The life of the star video is equal to the number of days between when you first uploaded your star video on Maps and the date that you last updated the star views and thus, will be different for each participating Local Guide. Therefore, for accuracy of the information it is important that you enter the correct dates. When it comes to the date that you last updated the star views, point #2 above is very important.
  3. As well as the star views and the date uploaded onto Maps, each listing on the leaderboards shows the Maps Category, and a description (e.g. Storefront, Building or Park) of the respective Local Guide’s star video.
  4. If the Maps Category of a star video is shown as a link and if the name of the relevant Place of Interest was provided by the respective Local Guide, then hovering over that link will show you the name of the place and selecting that link will take you to a screenshot with details of that place as stored on the Local Guides, 2024 Star Videos post, a “star video album” if you will, of star videos.
  5. If the Maps Category of a star video is shown on a colored background then that star video has been selected as one of the best that meets the formatting requirements as specified in the star video album post. Select that star video’s category and see why it has been rated as one of the best and read more about that star video on the “star video album” post.
  6. Preceding some of the leaderboards, you may see a number of screenshots of featured star videos. If so, these are a selection from those that best meet the requirements as detailed in the “star video album” post.
  7. Clicking or selecting any of the featured star video images shown will take you to where you can view the Local Guide’s video.
  8. Where shown, around leaderboard sequence numbers indicate that this is the first time that the Local Guide has participated on the Top 100 Local Guides leaderboards.
  9. Where shown, ( ) around leaderboard sequence numbers indicate that this Local Guide levelled up/down onto this leaderboard.
  10. An asterisk (*) shown after a Connect Username indicates that that Local Guide is a Connect Moderator.
  11. Double asterisks (**) shown after a Connect Username indicates that that Local Guide is a Googler.
  12. Hovering over a Local Guide’s username will display the integration number that integrates that Local Guide’s details on the Leaderboards System and Connect; the umbilical chord if you will between the two disparate systems.
  13. Selecting a Connect Usernames will take you to that Local Guide’s Connect Profile.
  14. Local Guides suspended or who have left the Local Guides program as well as those who have hidden their Maps profile are excluded from the Leaderboards.
  15. A ? or the words “Not set” in a cell indicates that the respective value cannot be determined or hasn’t been provided by or for the respective Local Guide.
  16. The data for the leaderboards in this post was read at 1313 on Friday, December 6, 2024 (UTC).
  17. Local Guides included on the leaderboards must check their entries for any errors. If you should find any errors or omissions, please add the details in a comment on this post. Regarding omissions, please note point 15 above.
Top 100 Star Video Leaders Summary
(November 2024)

Leaderboard #503

Local Guide Star Video Views Date Uploaded Maps Category Description
10 @jayasimha78 3,420,782 2021-07-11 Restaurant Seating area Internal
9 @snieckarz 4,477,628 2023-02-01 Shopping Storefront
8 @LightRich * 361,489 2022-01-20 Restaurant Seating area External
7 @Mikeinthefalls 1,143,490 2023-09-20 Breakfast restaurant Storefront
2-6 @IzzyOz 98,429 2023-07-08 Town Hall Other




Top 100 Star Videos
(November 2024)

Leaderboard #505

2024  Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct  

No Local Guide LG
Star Video Views Date Uploaded Maps Category Description
1 @snieckarz 9 4,477,628 2023-02-01 Shopping Storefront
2 @jayasimha78 10 3,420,782 2021-07-11 Restaurant Seating area Internal
3 @abermans 10 2,986,897 2022-01-01 Market Plaza/Piazza/Square
4 @RooksieN 9 1,745,435 2023-03-01 Japanese Meal or beverage
5 @TiffanyStockstill 9 1,601,928 2023-06-11 Restaurant Meal or beverage
6 @MattGatlin 10 1,297,997 2022-11-18 Fast Food Restaurant Storefront
7 @Mikeinthefalls 7 1,143,490 2023-09-20 Breakfast restaurant Storefront
8 @Rednewt74 9 1,072,126 2023-05-20 Cafe Other
9 @ig_shevchenko 10 792,072 2021-05-20 Condominium complex Building
10 @AZ_2021 10 790,537 2019-08-10 Museum Tourist attraction
11 @MarkAuchincloss 10 538,843 2023-05-20 Bistro Menu
12 @JohnDDoe 10 504,209 2023-05-06 Outlet Center Storefront
13 @LightRich * 8 361,489 2022-01-20 Restaurant Seating area External
14 @Mo_TravelleerX 9 354,307 2021-04-08 Water Tourist attraction
15 @mbmuhlison 10 299,124 2023-10-03 Traditional restaurant Internal photo
16 @nigelfreeney 9 245,054 2021-05-01 Park and Garden Park/Playground
17 @JustJake 10 233,121 2023-10-12 Restaurant Meal or beverage
18 @tony_b 9 187,120 2023-11-23 Fast Food Restaurant Meal or beverage
19 @Ajitthite 9 176,344 2022-03-19 Beach Beach
20 @JoniG 10 164,016 2018-10-01 Country Bay
21 @TravellerG 10 134,342 2018-09-15 Sculpture Statue or Monument
22 @Darwader 10 128,568 2021-11-06 Parque Panorama shot
23 @TerryPG 10 112,651 2023-11-24 Mall Internal photo
24 @turaibalazs 9 105,531 2021-09-10 Tourist attraction Tourist attraction
25 @efcxp 8 104,690 2022-10-01 Beach Beach
26 @Caverni 10 102,472 2023-03-17 hotel Cityscape
27 @IzzyOz 6 98,429 2023-07-08 Town Hall Other
28 @Annaelisa 9 94,913 2019-04-30 Ort River or Stream
29 @Kumaarsantosh 10 94,424 2023-04-08 Restaurant Reception area
30 @Peadar 8 82,338 2018-06-15 Mountain Valley or Mountain
31 @Stephanie_OWL 8 74,078 2023-12-26 Spa Building
32 @GigiR 8 67,076 2019-04-04 Hotel Reception area
33 @PrasadVR 10 59,786 2024-01-30 Garden Garden
34 @YuliiaZa 8 39,773 2024-04-11 Visa centre Storefront
35 @katydarhel 7 31,830 2024-01-22 tourist attraction Path or Road
36 @Trail_blazer 10 24,225 2023-11-20 Restaurant Reception area
37 @Teana_K 10 19,842 2023-05-14 Restaurant Meal or beverage
38 @AdamGT * 10 19,770 2023-10-20 Restaurant Meal or beverage
39 @EvaBar 8 15,033 2020-11-13 Car racing track Tourist attraction
40 @rosanabtl 8 12,980 2024-01-15 Supermercado Meal or beverage
41 You ? ? ? ? ? ?




Level 10 Star Videos
(November 2024)

Leaderboard #508

2024  Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct  

No Local Guide Star Video Views Date Uploaded Maps Category Description
1 @jayasimha78 3,420,782 2021-07-11 Restaurant Seating area Internal
2 @abermans 2,986,897 2022-01-01 Market Plaza/Piazza/Square
3 @MattGatlin 1,297,997 2022-11-18 Fast Food Restaurant Storefront
4 @ig_shevchenko 792,072 2021-05-20 Condominium complex Building
5 @AZ_2021 790,537 2019-08-10 Museum Tourist attraction
6 @MarkAuchincloss 538,843 2023-05-20 Bistro Menu
7 @JohnDDoe 504,209 2023-05-06 Outlet Center Storefront
8 @mbmuhlison 299,124 2023-10-03 Traditional restaurant Internal photo
9 @JustJake 233,121 2023-10-12 Restaurant Meal or beverage
10 @JoniG 164,016 2018-10-01 Country Bay
11 @TravellerG 134,342 2018-09-15 Sculpture Statue or Monument
12 @Darwader 128,568 2021-11-06 Parque Panorama shot
13 @TerryPG 112,651 2023-11-24 Mall Internal photo
14 @Caverni 102,472 2023-03-17 hotel Cityscape
15 @Kumaarsantosh 94,424 2023-04-08 Restaurant Reception area
16 @PrasadVR 59,786 2024-01-30 Garden Garden
17 @Trail_blazer 24,225 2023-11-20 Restaurant Reception area
18 @Teana_K 19,842 2023-05-14 Restaurant Meal or beverage
19 @AdamGT * 19,770 2023-10-20 Restaurant Meal or beverage
20 You ? ? ? ? ?




Level 9 Star Videos
(November 2024)

Leaderboard #510

2024  Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct  

No Local Guide Star Video Views Date Uploaded Maps Category Description
1 @snieckarz 4,477,628 2023-02-01 Shopping Storefront
2 @RooksieN 1,745,435 2023-03-01 Japanese Meal or beverage
3 @TiffanyStockstill 1,601,928 2023-06-11 Restaurant Meal or beverage
4 @Rednewt74 1,072,126 2023-05-20 Cafe Other
5 @Mo_TravelleerX 354,307 2021-04-08 Water Tourist attraction
6 @nigelfreeney 245,054 2021-05-01 Park and Garden Park/Playground
7 @tony_b 187,120 2023-11-23 Fast Food Restaurant Meal or beverage
8 @Ajitthite 176,344 2022-03-19 Beach Beach
9 @turaibalazs 105,531 2021-09-10 Tourist attraction Tourist attraction
10 @Annaelisa 94,913 2019-04-30 Ort River or Stream
11 You ? ? ? ? ?




Level 8 Star Video
(November 2024)

Leaderboard #512

2024  Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct  

No Local Guide Star Video Views Date Uploaded Maps Category Description
1 @LightRich * 361,489 2022-01-20 Restaurant Seating area External
2 @efcxp 104,690 2022-10-01 Beach Beach
3 @Peadar 82,338 2018-06-15 Mountain Valley or Mountain
4 @Stephanie_OWL 74,078 2023-12-26 Spa Building
5 @GigiR 67,076 2019-04-04 Hotel Reception area
6 @YuliiaZa 39,773 2024-04-11 Visa centre Storefront
7 @EvaBar 15,033 2020-11-13 Car racing track Tourist attraction
8 @rosanabtl 12,980 2024-01-15 Supermercado Meal or beverage
9 You ? ? ? ? ?




Level 7 Star Video
(November 2024)

Leaderboard #514

2024  Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct  

No Local Guide Star Video Views Date Uploaded Maps Category Description
1 @Mikeinthefalls 1,143,490 2023-09-20 Breakfast restaurant Storefront
2 @katydarhel 31,830 2024-01-22 tourist attraction Path or Road
3 You ? ? ? ? ?




Levels 2-6 Star Video
(November 2024)

Leaderboard #516

2024  Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct  

No Local Guide Star Video Views Date Uploaded Maps Category Description
1 @IzzyOz 98,429 2023-07-08 Town Hall Other
2 You ? ? ? ? ?




Top 100 Star Video Average Views/Day
(November 2024)

Leaderboard #519

2024  Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct  

No Local Guide LG
Date Uploaded Maps Category Description
1 @abermans 10 2,805 2022-01-01 Market Plaza/Piazza/Square
2 @jayasimha78 10 2,768 2021-07-11 Restaurant Seating area Internal
3 @Rednewt74 9 1,915 2023-05-20 Cafe Other
4 @MarkAuchincloss 10 964 2023-05-20 Bistro Menu
5 @mbmuhlison 10 705 2023-10-03 Traditional restaurant Internal photo
6 @JustJake 10 562 2023-10-12 Restaurant Meal or beverage
7 @tony_b 9 503 2023-11-23 Fast Food Restaurant Meal or beverage
8 @LightRich * 8 345 2022-01-20 Restaurant Seating area External
9 @TerryPG 10 307 2023-11-24 Mall Internal photo
10 @Mo_TravelleerX 9 265 2021-04-08 Water Tourist attraction
11 @PrasadVR 10 196 2024-01-30 Garden Garden
12 @IzzyOz 6 193 2023-07-08 Town Hall Other
13 @nigelfreeney 9 187 2021-05-01 Park and Garden Park/Playground
14 @YuliiaZa 8 171 2024-04-11 Visa centre Storefront
15 @Kumaarsantosh 10 156 2023-04-08 Restaurant Reception area
16 @efcxp 8 133 2022-10-01 Beach Beach
17 @Trail_blazer 10 65 2023-11-20 Restaurant Reception area
18 @Annaelisa 9 47 2019-04-30 Ort River or Stream
19 You ? ? ? ? ? ?



As always thanks for your time & work put into the leaderboards @AdamGT

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