What holidays do you celebrate in December?

December is a busy holiday season in many countries around the world. And with a global community like ours, we have the chance to experience this diverse festive period together virtually!

Are you celebrating something special this December? Respond to the poll below and let us know in the comments where you’re from, on which date(s) you celebrate, and what traditions you have related to your holiday. You can also tell us how Google Maps helps you celebrate! We’ll collect some of the best replies in a new post, so don’t forget to share your photos, too.

What holiday(s) do you celebrate in December?
  • Christmas
  • Hanukkah
  • Kwanzaa
  • Yule
  • New Year’s Eve / Omisoka
  • Something else - I’ll tell you in the comments :wink:
  • No holidays in December for me
0 voters

We can’t wait to read your stories!


১৬ ডিসেম্বর বাংলাদেশে :bangladesh: বিজয় দিবস হিসাবে পালিত হয়, যা ১৯৭১ সালের মুক্তিযুদ্ধে মাধ্যমে অর্জিত বিজয়কে পালন করে। এটি অত্যন্ত গর্বের একটি দিন, এটি স্মরণ করে যে দিনটি বাংলাদেশি জনগণের জন্য গুরুত্বপূর্ণ এবং ঐতিহাসিক।

বিজয় দিবসের উদ্দেশ্য:
শহীদদের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা যারা দেশের স্বাধীনতার জন্য জীবন উৎসর্গ করেছেন তাদের সম্মান জানাতে বাংলাদেশের বিভিন্ন স্থানে অবস্থিত শহীদ স্মৃতিসৌধে পুষ্পস্তবক অর্পণের মধ্য দিয়ে দিনটি শুরু হয়।

পতাকা উত্তোলন:
সূর্যোদয়ের সময় সকল সরকারি ও বেসরকারি ভবনে জাতীয় পতাকা উত্তোলন করা হয় এবং কি হাটবাজারে বিভিন্ন দোকানে ও পতাকা উড়াতে দেখা যায়।

যুদ্ধ জাহাজ ভিজিটে সুযোগ: বরিশাল মুক্তিযুদ্ধ পার্কে নির্ধারিত সময়ের জন্য জাহাজ ভিজিট এর সুযোগ দিয়ে থাকে সেখানে নৌবাহিনীর কর্মকর্তারা ঘুরিয়ে ঘুরিয়ে দেখান

পাবলিক বিল্ডিং, ল্যান্ডমার্ক এবং রাস্তাগুলি আলো এবং জাতীয় পতাকার রং দিয়ে সজ্জিত করা হয়।

বিজয় দিবসে গুগল ম্যাপ যেভাবে আমাকে সাহায্য করে: বিজয় দিবস উদযাপনের সময় গুগল ম্যাপ একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করে, বিশেষ করে বরিশাল শহরে সরকারি বেসরকারি প্রতিষ্ঠান এবং বিভিন্ন সংগঠন বিজয় দিবস উপলক্ষে বিভিন্ন ধরনের ইভেন্ট করে থাকে তাই প্রচুর ভিড় হয়ে থাকে পুরো শহর জুড়ে। তাই আমি সকালবেলা যখন বাসা থেকে বের হই স্মৃতিসৌধের সহজ পথ খুঁজে পেতে সাহায্য করে। আবার যখন বিকাল বেলা অন্য কোন সাংস্কৃতিক অনুষ্ঠানে অংশগ্রহণ করার উদ্দেশ্যে এর রওনা দিই অনুষ্ঠানের স্থানটি গুগল ম্যাপ আমাকে খুঁজে পেতে সহায়তা করে। গুগল ম্যাপসের আরো একটি দুর্দান্ত ফিচার ট্র্যাফিক আপডেটটি উত্সব চলাকালীন যানজটপূর্ণ রাস্তা এড়িয়ে চলতে রিয়েল-টাইম ট্র্যাফিক আপডেট আমার টাইম বাঁচিয়ে দেয় এবং জ্যামে হয় না ও খুব সহজে গন্তব্যে পৌঁছতে পারি।


In my city we celebrate a week long Kankariya Carnival festival in end of the December every year. @DeniGu

This week long festival filled with exciting events such as a Laser show, cultural dances, light show, musical events and performances by popular local celebrities.


Great arrangement @DeniGu ! Wow, December is a holiday season month.

We have a glorious day in Bangladesh which we achieved on December 16, 1971. Since then, we Bangladeshis celebrate our Victory Day every year on December 16th.

We celebrate this day with the red and green flags :bangladesh: of Victory.

This year, I organized a picnic with a few of my local guide friends and office colleagues to celebrate this day.

I will spend December 16th with some beautiful moments and share some of my photographs with you, God willing.

14 December, Today is Martyred Intellectuals Day - Shaheed Buddijibi Day. On this day, in 1971, our intellectuals were massacred and brutally murdered, so we celebrate this day as Martyred Intellectuals Day in Bangladesh.

Some pictures of the intellectual graveyard in Rayerbajar.


We celebrate the new year eve with family and friends.

This is the time we all come together at one place and enjoy gala time together and enjoy live musical shows/performances in the society campus with a variety of vegetarian cuisine.



Caption:- Christmas tree :christmas_tree: decorations.
I have a whole team of kiddos in my house and the youngest child in my house takes an advent calendar every year in the beginning of December and he wakes up every day at 5:00 am to open the advent calendar and as soon as the clock struck 5, he opens the window of the advent calendar and takes out a gift from it and then happily shares it with his family and friends. And the team of kiddos will decorate the Christmas tree in different-different decorative items or the other every day and then on the last day of the month we celebrate 31st December with delicious food, & we start the new year by praying to the in house temple in the morning and taking the blessings of our elders.

Caption:- in house temple.
Thanks. :pray:


Thank you @DeniGu

In my part of the world, West African countries celebrate Christmas and new year in a very big way.

There are holidays from work school and etc. There are people travel to their hometown to visit relatives and loved ones. It’s feasting,celebrations and happiness in general.

Very often we have harmattan which is cold wind from the North of Africa which also brings in dusts. Nevertheless the cool atmosphere often adds to the end of the year celebrations. We often say compliments of the seasons !!!

Happy guiding


Thank you @DeniGu for sharing this post with us about this celebrative month. In Kerala christmas is a big celebrative event. I like how the whole city wakes up for the upcoming christmas and new year.

Christmas trees and lights are appearing in the streets and inside shops to celebrate the upcoming holiday.


As per our Telugu calendar, Margashira Masam starts on 2nd December 2024 and ends on 30th December 2024, the most auspicious month in the Hindu calendar, particularly devoted to Lord Vishnu. I will share the details here after some time. please stay tuned :grinning:.


We celebrate Victory Day in Bangladesh on December 16. On December 16, 1971, after a long nine-month war of independence, Bangladesh formed an independent country separate from Pakistan.

The National Parliament, also known as the "Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban ", is decorated with lights on the occasion of Victory Day.


Дзякуй за цікавую тэму.

Каляды і Новы год

Прыгожая навагодняя ёлка каля Беларускай дзяржаўнай філармоніі ў чаканні Калядаў і Новага 2025 года.

Цэнтральная ўніверсальная крама “ЦУМ Мінск” у чаканні Каляд і Новага 2025 года.

Беларусь ставіцца да нямногіх краін свету дзе Каляды і Новы год святкуюць двойчы!
Навагоднія святы пачынаюцца ў Беларусi напрыканцы снежня і доўжацца да сярэдзіны студзеня.

Каталікі і пратэстанты святкуюць Каляды 25 снежня, выкарыстоўваючы грыгарыянскі каляндар, а Новы год святкуюць у ноч з 31 снежня на 1 студзеня.

У праваслаўных зараз Калядны пост, ён пачаўся за 40 дзён да вялікага свята Каляд - 28 лістапада і скончыцца - 6 студзеня. Праваслаўныя адзначаюць Каляды 7 студзеня па юліянскім календары, а Новы год будуць святкаваць у ноч з 13 студзеня на 14 студзеня.

Віншуе са святамі дзяцей і дарослых Дзед Мароз са Снягуркай, а таксама выконвае іх жаданні. У адрозненні ад Санта-Клаўса, які дорыць падарункі і выконвае жаданні на Каляды - Дзед Мароз са Снягуркай дораць падарункі і выконваюць жаданні на Новы год.
Дзед Мароз з рысамі героя рускіх народных казак Марозка з’явіўся ў СССР у 1929 годзе, а ў 1930 годзе з’явілася Снягурачка.

У Дзеда Мароза ёсць свая рэзідэнцыя, дзе казка становіцца явай і спраўджваюцца жаданні.
Маёнтак беларускага Дзеда Мароза адкрыўся 16 снежня 2003 года ў Дзяржаўным Нацыянальным парку “Белавежская Пушча” (аб’ект ЮНЕСКА з 2014 года) и займае амаль 15 гектараў.
Гэта вельмі папулярнае месца ў жыхароў і гасцей Беларусi, усе без выключэння выкарыстоўваюць Google Maps для таго, каб шчасна дабрацца да месца прызначэння і не заблудзіцца, бо гэта пушча і тут вольна гуляюць зубры, ваўкі і іншыя дзікія жывёлы.

Яшчэ адна Рэзідэнцыя Дзеда Мароза знаходзіцца ў цэнтры Мінска ў Цэнтральным дзіцячым парку імя Максіма Горкага, які заснаваны ў 1805 годзе i займае плошчу ў 28 гектараў. І тут нам дапаможа Google Maps хутка зарыентавацца каб патрапіць у Рэзідэнцыю Дзеда Мароза, для таго каб замовіць падарункі, папытаць аб выкананні жаданняў і паўдзельнічаць у забаўляльных праграмах.

Ёсць у нас і беларускі Дзед Мароз - грозны бог зімы і холаду Зюзя Паазерскі, у яго ўладзе завеі, завірухі і моцныя маразы, ён жыве ў лесе, у яго не просяць падарункаў і здзяйсненняў жаданняў, але асабліва паважаюць.

Беларускі Дзед Мароз Зюзя Паазерскі сустракаў Каляды і Новы 2024 год у Гандлёва-забаўляльным цэнтры “Dana Mall” з кампазіцыяй “Чароўнае Паазер’е”.
На Каляды і Новы 2025 год беларускі Дзед Мароз Зюзя Паазерскі ждёт всех желающих в своей сядзiбе на Пастаўшчыне Віцебскай вобласці недалёка ад вёскі Пруднікі.
Тут ужо сапраўды не абыйсціся без Google Maps, бо вёсак з такой назвай як мінімум больш за 10.

У Беларусi няма Калядных канікулаў, бо ў нас 2 разы Каляды і 2 разы Новый год і пры наяўнасці Калядных канікулаў, мы б не працавалі з 25 снежня па 14 студзеня.
25 снежня (выхадны) - Каляды для каталікоў і пратэстантаў.
31 снежня (рабочы дзень) - Новы год.
1 студзеня (выхадны).
2 студзеня (выхадны).
7 студзеня (выхадны) - Каляды для праваслаўных.
13 студзеня (рабочы дзень) - Новы год.

Каляды і Новы год мы адзначаем сярод сям’і і вельмі блізкіх сяброў. А ў астатнія дні прымаем удзел у святочных вулічных мерапрыемствах ці наведваем установы культуры і мастацтва.


Hello @DeniGu ,
Thanks for uploading the

most beautiful festival of the winter that is being celebrated around the world during the fall of winter and before the arrival of new year. The main character is Santa :santa:, distributing some kind of sweet item to children.


What an interesting post and poll @DeniGu We here in the land down under celebrate Christmas by spending lots of time with family, friends and business/work associates. This means lots of Christmas parties, food and drink, and meet-ups. For example, last week we caught up with friends (see picture below) and enjoyed lots of finger food and drinks. That started at 5pm and because it was about 60km away, we ended up leaving at about 10:30pm. The shadow you see in the foreground is me taking the snap.

Last Wednesday night I went to a Christmas party with business and work associates at Veneziano Coffee (coffee roasters) in Richmond and I used Maps for the directions.

I took a picture of Veneziano Coffee but haven’t as yet added it with a review on Maps:

Of course, along the way to Veneziano Coffee, the Local Guide in me stopped to take pictures of other businesses in Richmond :rofl:

This coming Sunday it’s a Christmas dinner party with friends and here’s a couple of pictures of last year’s Christmas dinner. I can’t wait LOL.

Finally, on Christmas day it’s Christmas lunch with the family. After this, we usually go on a diet :rofl: :joy:

ps: We also put up a Christmas tree and decorate our home with lots of Christmas decorations. I do the heavy lifting, getting the boxes of decorations out and my lady does all the planning and decorating. Here are some of the decorations and the last is a little favorite of mine:

After waking up this morning the Elves were everywhere

Wishing everyone seasons greetings and happy and safe holidays.


Hi @DeniGu I don’t celebrate anything in December but I plan something for welcoming the new year. I will spend the night with my husband to talk about the recent years and how we will plan the future.

For most Indonesian people they will do grilling during the night of New Years Eve. I am not into the party, so I love to enjoy with the love one :two_hearts:


Good idea @DeniGu My tree went up yesterday.

I spend time with family celebrating, eating too much and just enjoying our company. When my 2 kids got married we continued the tradition of celebrating on Boxing day, That way they can celebrate with their spouses family on Christmas day.
Now I look forward to spending time ,playing games with my grandkids.


Hi @DeniGu
Thank you for sharing the post
In Bangladesh we celebrate Victory Day on the 16th of December. Moreover, Christmas day also celebrate nationwide in our country and it is a public holiday.


In Bangladesh :bangladesh:, December means the month of victory. :v: Because on the 16th of this month, the final victory of our freedom struggle was achieved by ending the life of slavery. The independent and independent state named Bangladesh emerged.

The people of Bangladesh were liberated from the exploitation of the Pakistani ruling class on this day. This victory is not only a joyous one, but also a victory of liberation from the clutches of subjugation. There is no other day called ‘Victory Day’ in any other country in this subcontinent. The ‘Victory Day’ of Bangladesh and Bangladeshis is therefore unique. No nation in the entire world has achieved the victory of independence or liberation struggle at such a ‘price’. Only Bangladeshis had to achieve this victory at the cost of their lives by confronting an unjustly imposed armed war.

The movement of language and culture united the nation against neo-colonial rule, exploitation, and the elimination of discrimination between people. For this reason, the victory of December 16, 1971 was a glorious victory, bathed in the blood of martyrs, for the end of colonial rule, Bengali nationalism, a non-communal state-culture, and the establishment of an egalitarian society.

Keeping this occasion in mind, every year we celebrate ‘Victory Day’ on December 16 with great pomp :confetti_ball:.

Picture of National Martyrs’ Monument

I totally agree with @MahabubMunna @KamalHossenR @KhokonSharker

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Yes I totally agree with you… :bangladesh: :v: :confetti_ball:


@DeniGu ,

Annually, my cousins and my family celebrate new year eve together in thier society, where all the people of all the ages come together, enjoy, food fiesta with the stalls organised by society members, and finally, we all dance, fire crackers till we get tired. :star_struck:
