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The "Review a women-owned business" challenge results are in!

Caption: An illustration of a person leaving a review for a business on Google Maps.Caption: An illustration of a person leaving a review for a business on Google Maps.

Thank you to all who joined our women-owned business review challenge! Over 60 Local Guides shared helpful reviews that support women-led businesses in their area. 


Our jury reviewed all the submissions against the criteria. They were looking for authentic, high-quality reviews to businesses with the “Identifies as women-owned” attribute or which mentioned that the place is women-owned. The reviews also had to follow the Maps user-generated content policy.


And the results are in: 51 Local Guides successfully fulfilled the challenge! We have awarded first-time and third-time Connect challenge winner badges to the Local Guides who qualified and included those with two wins in our running list. We also keep track of everyone who has more than three wins.


If you don’t have a new badge on your profile or you don’t see your name on the list, don’t worry. More challenges are coming up!


Among the 51 winning reviews, the jury picked their five favorite ones. These reviews stood out due to their quality and value to others. Here they are:


@Stephanie_OWL's review of Café Malene in Barntrup, Germany


Caption: A screenshot of a part of @Stephanie_OWL’s review of Café Malene.Caption: A screenshot of a part of @Stephanie_OWL’s review of Café Malene.@TerryPG's review of The Lemonade Stand in Uxbridge, Canada


Caption: A screenshot of @TerryPG’s review of The Lemonade Stand.Caption: A screenshot of @TerryPG’s review of The Lemonade Stand.@rosanabtl's review of the Maria & Maria store in Pindamonhangaba, Brazil


Caption: A screenshot of @rosanabtl’s review of the Maria & Maria store.Caption: A screenshot of @rosanabtl’s review of the Maria & Maria store.

@EmekaUlor's review of the Glorisco Supermarket in Owerri, Nigeria


Caption: A screenshot of a part of @EmekaUlor’s review of the Glorisco Supermarket.Caption: A screenshot of a part of @EmekaUlor’s review of the Glorisco Supermarket.@samsliimaa's review of Habiba Suta Ghor in Rajshahi, Bangladesh


Caption: A screenshot of @samsliimaa’s review of Habiba Suta Ghor.Caption: A screenshot of @samsliimaa’s review of Habiba Suta Ghor.

Thank you all once again for joining this challenge! Keep an eye out for the next one coming soon.

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Level 8

Betreff: The "Review a women-owned business" challenge results are in!

😊Ohhhh @Ivi_Ge ich bin soooooo überrascht, dankbar, überwältigt und einfach glücklich.


Vielen Dank für die Auszeichnung und nochmals mehr, für die Aufführung meiner Rezension als besonders hilfreich!!!


Das spornt mich an, weiter auf diese Art, auf maps bei zu tragen!!


Und stell dir vor, gerade heute um 9:30 Uhr bin ich erneut in dem von mir beschriebenen Café Malene um künstlerisch tätig zu werden!


Mein erster Aufenthalt dort hat mich sozusagen "infiziert" 🤣


Einen herzlichen Glückwunsch auch an alle anderen Gewinner und natürlich auch an die Frauen der erwähnten Unternehmen!

Über mich | Liebe Grüße aus Lage, der kleinen Zuckerstadt im schönen Lipperland, gelegen im Westen von Deutschland

Level 7

Re: The "Review a women-owned business" challenge results are in!

Thank you @Ivi_Ge for sharing with us, the challenge results!

Keep posting such great challenges. This time, I missed it. 


Many many congratulations to @Stephanie_OWL , @TerryPG Sir , @rosanabtl , @EmekaUlor , @samsliimaa !!

Enjoy the moment of achievement and applauds!


Regards to everyone!

Level 8

Re: The "Review a women-owned business" challenge results are in!

Where is

 the 51 winning reviews ..... ..........  @Ivi_Ge 



Level 9

Re: The "Review a women-owned business" challenge results are in!

Congratulations to the winners, @Stephanie_OWL@TerryPG@rosanabtl@EmekaUlor'@samsliimaa and also to those who received the respective badges!!


Thanks for sharing with us, @Ivi_Ge!





| Ajit Thite | “Collect moments, not things” – Aarti Khurana |
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Level 10

Re: The "Review a women-owned business" challenge results are in!

Thanks @Ivi_Ge for this wonderful challenge and the gorgeous badge. Happy to be the one amonst 51.


Many Congratulations to @Stephanie_OWL@TerryPG@rosanabtl@EmekaUlor' and @samsliimaa. Your reviews impressed the jury. 

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Level 10

Re: The "Review a women-owned business" challenge results are in!



Thank you for sharing..

I always support Small bussiness

so I have many reviews for Women owner or business running by womens

I will shared my Review of Raksha kitchen    👇


Review of women's Empowerment woman owne business  as Local guide@Shrut19Review of women's Empowerment woman owne business as Local guide@Shrut19



Congratulations to the winners, @Stephanie_OWL@TerryPG@rosanabtl@EmekaUlor'@samsliimaa 



Level 7

Re: The "Review a women-owned business" challenge results are in!

It seems I got listed in the 2 times winners list? The most difficult part of this challenge for me was : finding out if a business is really owned by a woman. Sometimes the business owner works behind the curtains, you only see women when visiting shop, restaurant etc. but that's not a guarantee the business is owned and run by a woman. So, I wanted to be sure about this before sharing the reviews.

If you want to help me in making Google services more accessible and more inclusive, you can also contribute to #GoogleCrowdsource https://crowdsource.google.com

Thanks in advance for your help.
Level 6

Bls: The "Review a women-owned business" challenge results are in!

Saya belum punya idea ..fikiran saya merindui anak anak saya ..

Connect Moderator

Re: The "Review a women-owned business" challenge results are in!

Congratulations for all of the winners 🏆!

Indonesia Local Guides